Quick Poll~ | Arthritis Information


While reading posts to my MTX post, I noticed alot of women posting that they were over the conceiving children.  It just got my mind wondering the ages of people here.  I know this may be rude, so you don't have to answer...

How old are you?

How old were you when you found out you had RA?

I am 32, was dxd at 31 when symptoms got to be more than I could handle. I suspected RA when I first started getting symptoms around 23 after the birth of my first child. Symptoms got a little worse after the next kid at 25.

I am 57 was diagnosed six years ago...so that would have made me 51 at the time...almost made it out of prime age lol....but actual symptoms started when i was still a mere kid of 50 .


I'm 35.....and I was dx'ed at age 22.

I went through menopause at 32 so that kindof decided my future for me.

I'm 20 and i was diagnosed at 16

I'm on methortrexate , but i am desperate to have a family in the not too distant future, illness depending :)
im 24 was diagnosed when i was 20 symptoms came on a couple months after i had my first childI am 33 and was diagnosed at 33.  I have had RA for about six months or so.

Old enough to know better and young enough not to care!

I'm 47, symptoms began about a year ago.

I'm 49 and was diagnosed at 43.I'm 64 and was diagnosed at 39, but I think I had it longer than that.  25 years and I still flair...

i'm 33 & was diagnosed at 30. i don't want kids, ever.


I'm 44 and was diagnosed at 30.46 and diagnosed 5 years ago40, diagnosed this year, symptoms for years, hit real hard last year. I am 42-had shoulder  & wrist pain  for years-had shoulder and wrist surgery-helped but still not great...started having hand, feet , hips, seeing RD for first time nest-ortho doc sending me.56 - diagnosed at 52 around the time of menopause.I'm 53 now, was diagnosed tentatively at 42.  Positively  at 51.I'm 48 - started 6 months ago at 47 - just rec'd the word today - sero neg RA - starting Meth and remaining on the Naproxen.I am 36 and I was diagnosed 6 months after the birth of my second child at 29.I'm 31, diagnosed almost one year ago when I was three months
pregnant aged 30... symptoms first started when I was 10 weeks
pregnant (I think pregnancy and the change in hormones was a
definite trigger although this can't be proven).
I am 50 diagnosed at 48.  But looking back I think I had smaller flares prior and thought I had the flu or I had OA.  Then the big one hit 9/04.  I have not been well since.  I found out I had RA 2 months before my 45th birthday.  I am now 50.  I have 2 grown sons who I love dearly.  I am the only one in my family to have RA. I hope it is something that my sons NEVER get.  I am 48 and was diagnosed about 1 1/2 years ago.
Hit very hard. Have had legs pains pretty bad most
all my life, so may have had it then. I had to have a
hystorectomy at 22 and never had kids.

I am 49, diagonsed at 37, joint pain in my wrists and knee since I was 27.  



31.  Had symptoms for 18 months now but still no diagnosis.

I am 48.  I was recently diagnosed with RA and OA.

I did have a serious episode five years ago that lasted about 4 months.  I did not do much to figure out what it was.  It finally went away.  Suddenly, it came back in March.


I turned 60 yesterday i nRome and was  formally diagnosed two years ago. I was diagnosed with OA and fibro about 10 years ago but had symptoms since my 30's. I'm 35 and was just diagnosed in May.  My Rheumatologist thinks that I have had RA for over a year...but because I was a triathlete, I just assumed the pain was from training.  It was only when it became unbearable that I saw a rheumatologist and was diagnosed. I'm 40, diagnosed right before my 40th birthday.

Just after I turned 39 I had a severe allergic reaction to Augmentin.  That's what started the joint pain, swelling, fevers etc.  That was last September.  I had to have a hysterectomy at 37 and due to the problems can't take hormone therapy, so thrust into surgical menopause.  I am still 39.....I will be 39 forever

I am still being told "inflammatory arthritis" - but the MRI's say early RA. I also have Fibro (started in January).

Interesting, My Mother has RA, severe, severe, severe.....she has a 1/2 sister with Lupus and another sister with RA (possibly, don't know the whole story).  DR's think it is something that was domant in my body and enabled from the allergic reaction?  hmmmmm   My mother also have a complete hysterectomy too - same disease - endometriosis.  Interesting coincidences?

Unfortunatly, no children.


well, i feel like the grandmother here!  symptoms started at 62.  i am now 64

I am 25. Major symptoms started at 24. I had other symptoms before, but if it doesn't keep me from getting out of bed, then I don't worry about it. We are planning on having children at 29 or 30. If they come a little earlier I wouldn't mind. I love children. 

Interesting poll!  I'm 24 and was first diagnosed at the age of 3.  I'd love kids one day but worry that my health and the effects of a lifetime on these big-gun meds might get in the way.  Will have to see what the future holds.

Best, M

I'm 45 and was diagnosed when I was 37.  I've been on methotrexate for 7 years, and just began enbrel 7 or 8 weeks ago. I also had a full hysterectomy (tubes too)...when I was 35.  The thought never dawned on me that the two might be related...but there sure are a lot of "coincidences" here that raise my eyebrows!  I've been on and off HRT..mostly I try to stay off of it for fear of cancer. 

I want to add that my life has been altered severely by RA....but since starting on enbrel, I feel more like I did before my first symptoms of RA surfaced.  I honestly forgot how it felt to not be in constant pain and agony. 


I am 38 and have yet to be diagnosed.  Symptoms and related blood findings started this year.I just turned the big 30 on Aug. 1.

I was officially diagnosed at 19 but had "unspecified arthritis" through
high school.



63. Diagnosed in march of this year with RA. Had thyroid gland removed this week. Seems it will never get better.



I'm 51 and I was diagnosed 3 months ago although I'd been seeing the Dr. for years about my aching hands. I'm 59 and my symptoms started in April of this year.
BarbI'm 47 and was diagnosed with fibro about 15yrs ago, diagnosed  Sero-RA, Oct 2004.  Past yr, now RA positive.Had female issues and have had an ablation done. Female issues did not start till after the diagnosis.

I'm 57 and was diagnosed approx. 6 years ago.......full blown RA........although I suspect I have had it for many years prior.  As a child of about 7 I was told I would have rheumatism as an adult.....!!!!!!!!!!  What foresight that doctor had.......that was 50 years ago. 

Warm regards, Marge

I am 52. DX at 25. Actually had chronic RA at 20. Had 'episodes' during childhood. At age 9 family doc said I had arthritis. I am 39. I will be the big 40 next month. I was diagnosed when I was 38. I have two children a girl (18) and a boy (13). I just turned 49 yesterday and I was 44 when I was diagnosed.Hi, have u noticed we are all female too?  I was diagnosed with severe RA at 36, absolutely paralysed 3 weeks after the birth of my second child but had been going to Drs for years with joint pains etc, have tried all dmards except cyclosporin, allergic to everything so it is badly controlled and still on steroids after 6 years and suffering the consequences.  I have subsequently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis of the spine, degenerative disc disease, Sleep apneoa, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cushings syndrome and obesity, all of the last 5 are due to the steroids, so I am desperately trying to get off of them, my only hope is the cyclosporin, but I am very frightened of taking it, has anyone any experience of it please?  Regards Janie. 

I'm 39 and was diagnosed just this past June. Have been on injectable MTX since DX and feel great. I'm amazed at how good I do feel considering I was unable to move without pain only a short time ago. I'm hopful it's not short lived.

I have two boys, 18 and 14 and have no plans for any more children

Lisa (sunny old England - NOT!!)

I'm 40, dx'd w/RA at 32. Dx'd w/Fibromyalgia, depression, cushings, Carpal and Cubital Tunnel, HA's, Migraines, Sleep disturbance, Multiple Sclerosis Jan'06,  and some other issues.  WOW, Janiefx, are we related?

I have 3 girls, 16, 15, and 6.  My 6 year old was conceived while I was on MTX, thank God! she is healthy! It was hinted to end the pregnancy, because of chance of spina bifida or other malformations of the child.

I am 35 years old (245 in dog years)

I was diagnosed when I first turned 34...   I don't have any kids and looks as if I never will... thanks to Methotrexate!!

current "non working" regimen:  Methotrexate, Coumadin, Plaquenil, Prednisone, Humira and folic acid.


danaarrington38944.5848958333I am now 49, I had a hysterectomy at 40 due to endometiosis and was diagnosed at 42 with ra and oa, pa was diagnosed at age 46.  I have one daughter.  meme

Is this starting to sound like a John Grisham novel with the RA and the hysterectomies? Should we get a southern lawyer to sue someone for us, or what?

I'm 57 and was diagnosed with RA 2 1/2 years ago.  Also had a hysterectomy in 1996, due to cysts on ovaries.  I have OA and thought my probs were partly due to the osteoarthritis..  At the time I was diagnosed, I lost about 25 lbs., had major stomach disorders, reflux, etc.  Went to 2 different gastro drs., many tests, then the blood test revealed the RA.  So... don't know if the RA was attacking my stomach first???  or what.. but here I am, trying to keep it at bay.  

 As I read most of these posts I can't believe how many of us mentioned having symptoms after child birth or menopause and how many people had hysterectomies during child bearing years. No one will ever convince me that hormones don't have something to do with these conditions. I know there are women and of course men that don't fit the hormone thing. I wonder if they have done any studies with hormones and RA etc.

  Anyway, I am 53 just as I was ALMOST THRU MENOPAUSE! Have had fibro for a long time. Was DX with RA August 2005. Only take plaquenil but some days could use more. I have alot of back problems. Pat

There have been studies where they have seen many women who had to have hysterectomies due to severe endometriosis, then end up with different forms of dibilitating(?) forms of arthritis. Makes you really think.

RA struck last Christmas. Ever since I started reading these forums I've been appalled at how young many of you are and the incredible workloads and side-effects you have to manage along with this terrible disease. My prayers are with each and every one of you.

Good Morning, I am 43 and was dx in July of this year.  I am curious to the link between ra and thyroid disease.  It seems many of you have had some kind of tyroid problems as well.  I developed Graves disease while pregnant with my second daughter (now 13) and had to have my thyroid nuked with radioactive iodine when she was 6 weeks.  I now am on synthroid to compensate since they over did it.  I also have Irritable bowel syndrome that was dx about 3 years ago.  Someone else stated stomach problems as well.  Can all or any of this be related.  I have not had a hysterectomy however, I started menopause about age 40.  Early menopause runs in my family along with everything else it seems.  Hi Everyone,

I'm 52 and was diagnosed with RA when I was 28 yrs. old. Fortunately, I already had my children because this disease hit me fast and hard! I was fine one day and flat on my back the next. 

The thing is hypo and hyperthyroidism are forms of immune disorders, it is not uncommon that once you have an immune disorder another raises it's ugly head.  And dessy on the behalf of the other ladies on this board thank you we do what we have to do to keep going on.  The greates thing  though is we have each other to help support us to get trough what we are going through and welcome to the boards.  meme

My mother was dxd with RA and Lupus at 40.  Through the years she dealt with so many health issues;  gallbladder,  severe acid reflux, inflamation of esoghogus, hysterectomy,painful sores on her toes... to name a few.  She is now 65, and may be in remission. However she is left with severely crippled hands. 

I am 50 diagonsed at 48.OOPS...make that 51 !!

Well, I guess that I'm the grand mother here. I was diagnosed with RA in March, 2006. I had a Hyst. when I was 49. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism  when I was in my early 30's. I have IBS & OA.

I'm amazed at how you young girls cope with this. Family, jobs, relationships, it has to be very hard. At my age it is hard. I have always been very busy. Now, it is so hard for me to put in a full days cleaning or shopping. I even get tired when I go to dinner. This just isn't me. Never, ever, have I had a weight problem as serious as this one. Thanks to Prednisone, wow!!! I know my friends can't believe it. Neither can I. I'm praying that now the Prednisone is being cut down, that I will be able to get back to my size.

Now, for the biggie......I'm 68yrs old.  ( 19 in my head, but body won't listen ) LOLOL

I wish you ALL well!


trishasea38952.4116087963I am 56, was diagnosed at 41.  I had some problems as a small child and around the age of 20 but it didn't return full force until the age of 41.  My youngest son was 10 at the time.  [QUOTE=trishasea]

Well, I guess that I'm the grand mother here. I was diagnosed with RA in March, 2006. I had a Hyst. when I was 49. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism  when I was in my early 30's. I have IBS & OA.

I'm amazed at how you young girls cope with this. Family, jobs, relationships, it has to be very hard. At my age it is hard. I have always been very busy. Now, it is so hard for me to put in a full days cleaning or shopping. I even get tired when I go to dinner. This just isn't me. Never, ever, have I had a weight problem as serious as this one. Thanks to Prednisone, wow!!! I know my friends can't believe it. Neither can I. I'm praying that now the Prednisone is being cut down, that I will be able to get back to my size.

Now, for the biggie......I'm 68yrs old.  ( 19 in my head, but body won't listen ) LOLOL

I wish you ALL well!


[/QUOTE] Trisha just wanted to let you know when I came off of pred. I did loose weight.  It was hard to come off of it but I made it.  I know you can do it to.  I only take it now if I have a really bad day. Hang in There.  I do know what you mean about the energy, I have trouble with that as well.  Makes me furious sometimes.  Rocxy, you are still not the oldest one on the board.  Oh Gawd, this is so difficult...but I am 71!!  My head and heart is still 35. but the ole body doesn't know it yet...

Hang in there Grandma and I will hang with ya.

Luv, N & T

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