Tylenol & Voltaren? | Arthritis Information


Is it safe to take tylenol while I'm taking Voltaren? I know you are not doctors, just wondering what you've heard. I have been on Voltaren since Sat. and have had a headache all day. I would appreciate any imput, thanks Rain

Hi there.

I checked the online drug checker below and you can certainly take Tylenol with Voltaren (an anti-inflammatory drug). I'm on indomethacin (a different anti-inflammatory) and I routinely take tylenol (known as paracetamol here in New Zealand) too, along with codeine too, when required.

http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/Interaction/ChooseDrugs/1,4109, ,00.html

I hope this helps,


Wendy, thank you so much for the link. I tried to find some info on line and was looking in the wrong place I guess. I can now take the tylenol for this headach I've had most of the day. How cool that my response came from New Zealand! Do you have RA? Thanks again, Rain

Hi Rain,

Hopefully the headache will go soon! I don't have RA, but something similar called Reactive Arthritis (ReA for short). I used to get periods of remission between flares but suspect it might have become chronic now. (Been in a flare for over a year now - knees, back, elbows and hip are involved.)

Have a great day - oops it's night in your part of the world! It's lunchtime down here and the middle of winter...

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