foods | Arthritis Information


i have personally found some foods make my RA flare & which ones make me feel better.

good ones

  1. water!!!!!! lots of it. the more i drink, the better i feel.
  2. fresh veggies
  3. fresh fruit
  4. oatmeal

bad ones

  1. SUGAR! the more i have, the worse i feel
  2. chips
  3. candy
  4. soda, even diet

just sharing what seems to work for me.


Thanks for sharing when I first found out I had RA I did the OA arthritis diet. The I found out that RA is VERY diifferent from OA. I never felt better doing the OA diet and it restricted total food groups. I heard that there is an anti-inflammatory diet out there somewhere. Bascially sugar is always bad, feeds inflammation but it's what I've always been addicted to! I went off of all sugar and dairy and bread for 18 months I felt great and I lost 42 pounds ( ended up wearing a size 2) everyone thought I was sick, maybe I was, it was 3 years ago. Anyway...I appreciate your suggestions, I know it's the best thing to do, thanks