cat’s claw extract | Arthritis Information


i read here that cat's claw extract helps eliminate some RA pain, when used with our current medications. but check with your doctor 1st!!! this certainly peeked my interest, so i'm calling my doc tomorrow & see what she says with the med's i'm on.

just another helpful hint i like to share with my friends....


Cat's Claw extract? I'll peak at the site just out of curiousity....but I'm not sure I like the sounds of it.

Let us know what your doctor thinks of it.

That's how they make their money. If there's even an off chance it might work some people are willing to throw money at it.

I've never really been one of those people....maybe I'm not as bad off as many. I don't know.

Cat's Claw is for real, although I'm not sure about using it for RA. I just read the article and will call my dr. to see if I can use it. I owned a health food store until 2001, and the name cat's claw comes from the look of the plant. It grows in the rainforest, and actually it grows up the tree and can be removed from the tree without hurting the tree. The plant looks like the claws of a cat. I remember selling it, but I was clueless about RA then. It's worth checking in to. I hope this helps some.