One touch can opener... | Arthritis Information


Take a look at this...   has any of you tried this? I just saw the commercial and thought it looked great! Wonder if it works as well as they say it does?

I've seen the informerical and it looks pretty good. But I'm thinking that it is awkward to have to hold it in that position. If they mounted it, then that might be interesting. But then we are back to the standard electric can opener.

Holding this one, looks like it would hurt my wrist. I think I want an electric one.


I think this one sets on the can and then you let go and it turns itself.I saw this in Wal-Mart and almost bought one.  Let me know if anyone has tried it.  I may get one.  :)

My parents bought me a cordless B/D can opener probable the year after I was dx'ed with RA. It's been the best gift ever! I love it. I never could open cans with those twist type; and I hate the big bulky electric can opener sitting on the counter.

This does look like a life saver. It's quite simular to what I use and trust's a must have!!

You know what though... it doesn't say anywhere what kind of batteries or charger is needed for this.  

I had one that required a charger and the (I think it was a gizmo) didn't do the job at keeping it charged.   I was quite disappointed in the product.

Mine sits on a charger until you use it then I just put it back when I'm done. It's a Black-n-decker (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling....but you know what I mean)

I'm sure there's some cheap ones out there that wouldn't work too good. That's true for everything.

I want one of those robots that mops my floor.

OK girls!!!! I know what we all need. A Cabana Boy!! We can just rest and give orders. I guess he should be at least 21 yrs. old. LOL   My only problem is that I will have to hide him from my husband. He just may have a problem with him. 


Has anyone gone to this site (Dynamic When I found out I had RA in April, I started looking for things to make my life easier and protect my joints. The door knob covers are great, I even have them at work now. Jar openers, forks, tub scubbers...all kinds of neat stuff.  I had a manual one that cut like that one did.  I didn't like it.  You can rest the lid back on the can but the top of the can is as sharp as a razor.  I threw it away.  I have an under the counter Black and Decker electric can opener.

The can opener in question runs on 2 AA batteries.

That's just what I need.....something else that needs batteries!!I have a Tupperware can opener which is the manual type but has a
huge handle so it's not hard to use. It also cuts the lid so there are
no sharp edges on the lid or on the can. I've never seen these battery
powered ones, but from the site it looks really good.

I've got one of those grip mates... also mentioned on the can opeer
site, but I find it really awkward to use.
I think it would be easier for me to just buy new tap fittings!
Years ago I had this JAR (not can) opener from The Pampered Chef that mounted under the kitchen cabinet. It was really awesome. I'd like to have one of those again. I have a hard time opening jars.

My mom bought me an electric can opener when I was first dx.  It was a god send!  Just your basic electric can opener.  So don't need to spend a lot of $$ of some fancy thing, just your basic EC!!


[QUOTE=Lovie] Years ago I had this JAR (not can) opener from The
Pampered Chef that mounted under the kitchen cabinet. It was really
awesome. I'd like to have one of those again. I have a hard time
opening jars.[/QUOTE]

I would LOVE something like that... I find jars a lot harder than using
can openers... especially when they are out of the fridge.

I grew up with manual can openers only...but when I got married, someone bought a can opener as a shower gift for me and now I complain if I have to use a manual one. Especially now. But my mom has had RA practically her whole life and I kept telling her how great the electric can openers were. Finally I just went ahead and bought her one. Now she loves them too. The best one I ever had was a Hamilton-Beach Power Pierce. I have a Black and Decker brand one now. I bought it because it is red and matched my other counter top appliances, but sometimes it takes a few tries to get it to grab onto the can. I just thought the one in the ad looked neat the way it just seems to latch onto the can so easily, but I guess they wouldnt show it messing up in the commercials right?