For Lovie | Arthritis Information



I read in one of your posts something about going through early menopause. I was just wondering what the docs told you about going through it so early. I am 35 and my doc and I are concerned with that for me. I am showing some signs and I am only 35.    I was told that sometimes people with auto-immune diseases can go through menopause much earlier. I'm not exactly sure why though.
I was just wondering what your situation was--if you don't mind. I know its probably kinda personal but when I read your post I just couldn't believe it!!! I think the same might be happening to me.


I'd been on birth control pills for close to 10 years and stopped taking them because the man I was serious about had a visctomy so I no longer needed them. At first that went fine; about 6 months after that my period became very irregular and they thought it was due to the birth control pills. I went from spotting every other periods that would last 7 or 8 days then start back as soon as I thought we were done for the month. Then in January of last year they stopped all together. In November before that they did some sort of biopsy; I'm sorry I can't remember what it was called exactly but they were checking for other problems that could be causing the irregular periods. Everything was fine there. Once they stopped all together they tested my hormone levels and said there was no doubt about it; I'm in menopause. It's odd yes, but for someone with an autoimune disease it's not unheard of. At this point I've been on MTX about three years. They (MY RD & OBGYN) both say it could be either the disease itself, or any number of medications I've been on for more than 11 years now to treat the RA.

My mother and grandmother were both in their mid-forties when they started menopause and they say that can be a factor; but I'm so much younger than they both were so they want to blame it on the disease or the medication more so than gentics. I'm now 34. This all started before I was 33. That's really early!!

I now take HRT to prevent bone loss more so than for the symptoms of menopause. Although I do have some...or had before the HRT. Considering my ovaries have basically stopped working I've had all the normal problems a woman in her 50ties would have with menopause and I already have osteopenia which is the beginning stages of osteoporosis.

What's going on with you? What makes you think your starting this as well? Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer...but I'm not embarrashed about it. I think it's important that others hear what's happening. I would have been heart broken had I waited to have my children until now only to find out it was too late for me. Luckily for me I have two fantastic children and two great step children and don't need to have any more. In some ways I'm glad to be getting this over with early. Not that I really had much choice...but I so try to look for the sunny side in every situation.

Guys...sorry it this makes you uncomfortable; but it is an important issue for us girls



Thanks so much for sharing with us. My symptons are irregular periods and I am one for being very very regular--no so much anymore. Also some very heavy bleeding and terrible PMS. I usually have never been someone that even got PMS so its really strange. I can be really mean one minute then crying the next. I also have been experiencing hot flashes. Night sweats.
Its funny that you said something about methotrexate because my doc said that it can cause early menopause too. I have been off and on it several times. Not right now though. My doc pretty much said the same as yours--its probably due to one of my meds that I took in the past or the arthritis itself. My grandmother and great grandmother went through menopause in their early 40s also. Are we twins???!!!   hee hee
I am glad I had my kids early too. I have two boys and my doc actually told me when I was just 19 that if I wanted to have children--I'd better do it early.
I am glad I listened--I would of been a mess if I couldn't have kids.

Again thanks so much for telling your story. I appreciate it. I thought for a while that it was weird that I was experiencing this so early. My doc also said that this could go on for sometimes up to ten years before you truly hit the actual menopause. That this is just the premenopause phase. Nice,huh??
I hope my hubby can live through it!!!



The emotions were my worst symptom!! I know exactly what you mean there. The HRT has helped well as all the other symptoms as well. I've heard they are really bad for you; but my doctor really didn't give me much choice. Claims it's a must...and I trust their judgement.

10 YEARS!?!?!?! Whats? Man; that's a long time. I guess it doesn't surprise me though.

Hang in there...and lets stay in touch as to our progress relating to this issue. I need a buddy to bounce my experience and questions off of at times; and just as you probable already know...I don't exactly have too many friends with this problem.

Good Luck to ya;

