Finally................ | Arthritis Information


I am so proud.  Completed SSDI papers today

Brett just has to copy them as I can barely stand up.  Trip took a toll but I am kicking back doing paperwork.  He promised me they will be in the mail by 5.  FINALLY 

I have to tell you, I am so sad to move away from my doctors.  My primary I have had for 15 years, I love her and I love my rd.  That is going to be a tough one.  But things are moving along.  We just listed Brett's house and it is going to pay for more than half new house plus money for renovations.  Can you believe that

Congrats on your paperwork success!! I know you're happy to have that behind you. You go girl!

It's a lot of progress in a very short time. I hate changing doctors when we move. There are always good ones in a new place, but it sometimes takes a while to find them.

I hope your daughter never needs the services of their mental health people. That would be sad.

It's fantastic that Brett's house is going to pay for so much of this one. You're really on your way. That will take a lot of the pressure off of all of you! Make sure to leave cash reserves for rainy days. We RA people seem to have a lot of them.

Congratulations. It's really happening.
Roxy, you are on a roll.  And I truly feel that you are rolling in the right direction.  Don't forget to take good care of Roxy. 