RA in the ankles | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone-this morning I woke up and could hardly walk-my ankles were so stiff and sore. I am not swollen-as a matter of fact my joints hardly swell at all yet they are sore(especially hands and feet). Any ideas on how to deal with this-I dont see the RD till next week. Thanks for your input!!!


Hi Susan, I am very new to RA but I am under the care of a great Rheumy! I have very little swelling, but terrible pain at times. What I do is wear braces ( like ace ) on my hands and ankles on my challenging days. I know that my PT thinks they are a bandaid and not "strengthening" the joints but sometimes a bandaid feels pretty good. I am also rethinking shoes..I work full time need to dress professionally "heels" and my ankles are so sore by noon!  I walk almost everyday and swim twice a week. I have also purchased anything to protect my joints when possible from (dynamic living.com) I hope this helps some, take care, Rain

Hi psakee4214

I would suggest that since it was the doctor's office that delayed your appointment for a week, you give them a call - even if it is the weekend - if you get an answering service, just leave a brief but courteous message reminding them that your appointment was put back by the office and you have now woken with new, severe symptoms and are in a lot of pain and cannot wait another week for relief.  Since the doctor does not know you, you may have to even call again if you do not hear back in 4 hours or so. I have been where you are (waiting for an appointment and more and more in pain and worried) and that is what I would do if I 'had to do it all again'.  The encouraging news is that once the doctor examines you and begins treatment and gets to know you and knows that you don't call for no reason, it will get better. Right now, you do not need to be in that kind of pain without relief. You have a standing appointment and you need help now.

Good luck.


If you can get in to see your GP, believe it or not, you can get a cortisone shot in your ankle. It should help - I've done it. Nothing helps like getting a med that really works, but as a temporary fix, it might see you through.

In the meantime, soak them in hot water or put them next to a heating pad. If that doesn't feel good, then try ice. Elevate them and stay off them as much as possible. Use the sports cremes as well.

When you see the Rheumy, ask for xrays on both your hands and feet. You need to find out if any damage is occurring. And, if you are hurting that bad, in multiple places, your disease is not under control.

Also, do you have any prednisone? Call your doc to see if they will get you a bit to tide you over. Somedays, I have to go up a 1 mg to get any kind of relief. This is sanctioned by the doc. But calling the doc to see if you can get some to try or up your dosage might help.

And, do not be afraid to take whatever you are allowed for pain. If nothing else, I use Arthritis Relief Extra Strength Tylenol. But what you takes depends on what else you are taking as OTC meds do not mix with some of your other meds. For instance, I take Mobic so I can take Tylenol, but absolutely cannot take Ibuprofen.

I hope you feel better.

Thanks for all your help-Heat definately helps alot so I am soaking in the tub alot!!! I will hang in there until Turusday when I see the doc!!!

Thanks to all!!!

Good luck - I hope your rheumy has some good answers. Deanna gave some good advice (as always) so I will just say ditto on the hot/cold therapy and the sports creams....wrapping 'em up may help too. You can also try talking to them nicely to get them to behave....it may or may not work...JK..but resting them is a good idea too.

In addition to all the excellent advice, I also endorse Rain's suggestion that you stick to flat shoes as heel's just seem to make everything worse. (My wardrobe has 2 shoe sections: my 'cripple shoes' - as I call them, and my 'funky shoes'.  I haven't worn my funky shoes for a while, but one day...)

ACE-type bandages may be a help too, it's worth a try! (They're good for knees.)

All the best,  

p-s-s-t.... Crunchy, do you really think she should be talking to her feet?

    Crunchy, I talk to my feet and they just wont listen!! LOL!Yesterday I woke up and it felt like I had run all day long, the backs of my legs and calves were so sore. Has anyone ever felt that was before? Soaking in the bath really helps as does the heating pad! I havent tried the creams yet but will definately get some! Thankfully Thursday is just 3 days away so I can see the dr.

Thanks everyone for the help!


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