Uh Oh! | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

Another silly question.  Thanks by the way I was glad to know that I'm not alone when I'm snapping, crackling and popping all over the place

The big Uh Oh is because I in just the last hour or 2 can tell without a doubt that I'm getting a cold

That's all just thought it could'nt hurt to ask,



well it may be a mental thing but when i have a cold my RA seems to calm down a bit, its almost as if your immune system is busy fighting off the cold than attacking your joints lol. Maybe its just me. I do know it takes me longer than most people I know to get over a cold though. Just try to get alotta sleep and dont overdue the over the counter meds! hehe drink green tea! i love green tea and it always makes me feel better :) Get well soon! 


Have you ever tired the green tea gum? II've seen it advertised and wondered how it works.

Pam; I sure hope you feel better. I personally feel like crap all over when I've got a cold. I like vit. C drops. I think laying around trying to recoup makes my RA worse...I hope that's not the case for you. Up date us on your condition. I'm worried about you.


My RA seems worse when I have a cold...and it does seem like it takes me longer to fight it off.  The other thing you have to be careful about is to not let your cold turn into Pneumonia. If you are on any kind of immune suppressent treatments, (mtx, enbrel, remicade, humira, etc) then it is harder for your body to fight off the cold.  If it shows signs of it turning into a sinus infection then make sure you get yourself to your GP so you can get on antibiotics to fight it off.   And get plenty of rest...go to bed early!!!  I'll be praying for you that this cold is over with in a jiffy! 

Hi Jealousy, Hi Lovie, and Tbird,

Thanks for your replys.  I'm doing okay today.  Was a little scared as the rheumy told me that the chest pain and breathing problems that I have been having are RA related and I don't know how bad the congestion will get.  Not to bad at the moment.  Really tired, but thats no breaking news.

After my husband had left for work this morning I noticed the sink in the bathroom was clogged.  I made the mistake of grabbing the plunger and plunging (reflex reaction I guess).  I have paid for that move with  extra hand, wrist and elbow pain today 

I have just read Juliahh's post and hate to have any complaints, it is so true we have so much to be thankful for.  I know you are all on my list of blessings!!

Thanks for your concern,  I have green tea and vit C so I'll let you know how it goes.

Love to all,





Have you ever tired the green tea gum? II've seen it advertised and wondered how it works.


whoa green tea gum? I didnt even know it existed lol. I will try anything involving green tea, I heard it was good for people with RA too :) So if I ever see any I will definitly let you know whats the deal with it hehe

Hi Jealousy, Hi Lovie, and Tbird,

Thanks for your replys.  I'm doing okay today.  Was a little scared as the rheumy told me that the chest pain and breathing problems that I have been having are RA related and I don't know how bad the congestion will get.  Not to bad at the moment.  Really tired, but thats no breaking news.

After my husband had left for work this morning I noticed the sink in the bathroom was clogged.  I made the mistake of grabbing the plunger and plunging (reflex reaction I guess).  I have paid for that move with  extra hand, wrist and elbow pain today 

I have just read Juliahh's post and hate to have any complaints, it is so true we have so much to be thankful for.  I know you are all on my list of blessings!!

Thanks for your concern,  I have green tea and vit C so I'll let you know how it goes.

Love to all,




awww hun please put the plunger away! silly! hehe I hope your feeling better and no cartwheels for you this week! hehe you stay in bed and rest. Catch up on the talk shows :) keep us posted! *hugs*


I just wanted you to know you're still on my mind. I sure hope today finds you in a better place than yesterday. Continue to take it easy...and don't over do it even if you are feeling better. Give yourself plenty of time to recoup.

Check in with us when you feel up to it.



And Jealousy...I'll keep my eye out for the gum too. I've only seen it advertised on TV; not in the stores yet. Let me know too if you find it.

aww pam i hope you're feeling better,  and thank you all for advice i shall now take on board, first i'd heard of anything about green tea being helpful! learn something new everyday.

huge huggles pam 

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