Arthritis Information -New


Mona, you probably want to take the Enbrel. Your doctor is trying to prevent permanent damage and disease progressing in your body. Lots of us take Enbrel and most do well with it.

The potential damage of RA is far worse than the medicines. I think you should listen to your doctor.

Hi Nina

I don't have RA (but something related), so I will leave the advice to the others here.  But in general terms, yes, you need to take your Dr's advice and start on some strong 'disease-modifying' drugs.  Otherwise, your joints can be damaged quite quickly.

You've come to the right place, that's for sure!



Thank you for your adviced. I'm so glad I founded this place. One thing my Dr. is not a Rheumy?, thats the reason I was hesitating to start with Enbrel. I hate injections. when I read some of your messages, you guys Know all the names of blood test, and you know if your RA is moderate or severe. I have know idea, but my Dr. has a sister with Ra, and she has permanet damage to her hands, so I think he has a pretty good idea. As I told you, English is not my 1st language, so for me is hard to ask questions. I will start taking Enbrel, I don't want for RA to get out of hand. Thank you so much for all your help. Mona.

I'm very new with RA, last nov. one of my figers joins was red and hot to the touch. I went to my Dr. he did some blood test and my R factor was 122? I don't know if that # is too bad. He told me to take Mtx, but he said that I need Enbrel shoots, I had no pain, so I said way!!! For the last 6 weeks things have change pain everywhere. Last blood test R factor 87. My Dr. still thinks I need Enbrel. Some other test Antibody something was 1040 the 1st time, now 875. I'm very confused, should I take Enbrel? Hope somebody can give me some advise. Sorry for my grammar English is my second lenguage, Thank you!!

Hi Mona.  I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis almost 10 years ago.  It's very much like RA, only I get the psoriasis along with it.  I resisted starting on Enbrel for the last 2-3 years that my doc recommended it, but finally decided to start 6 weeks ago, because the pain was interfering with daily living.  WHAT A MIRACLE!  My anxiety over giving myself injections disappeared after the first one, and after only 3 DAYS my pain was gone.  I haven't taken a pain pill or NSAID sine the first week, and I feel like I've never had arthritis of any kind. 

I've not suffered any side effects from the drug, and I highly, highly recommend you try it.  If I'd had it to do all over again, I know, without a doubt, that I could have avoided some of the permanent damage to my hands that I have.  At least I know I've slowed the progression down, and maybe even stopped it for now. 

Good luck to you, Mona!  Let us know what you decide, and how it goes...

Hi Ladies!

I realize this is a little late, but better late than never!  (Or so they say?)

Mona, so glad you have joined here with us!  Welcome!

Please do not worry that English is not your first language!  You are communicating quite well!  I have some language difficulties sometimes ans English is my first language!  Thankfully, we are not here to criticize one another!  We are here to uplif one another!

Some of the people here really know their "stuff" when it comes to arthritis and some of the drugs used!  Most of them are so incredibly helpful toward one another!  You are now in our "family!"  Hope to see you joining in with us often!

Best wishes!


Hi Claire!

I had meant to say hello to and to welcome you, as well!

Welcome to our "family!"  We are all here in hopes of helping one another!

Hope to see you joining in with all of us often!  It is great to have new members!


Hi All!
I was diagnosed last May with Psoriatic Arthritis and was referred to a Great Rheumatologist...he put me on 6 tabs of Methotrexate and in August bumped me to 8 tabs.  I couldn't do any NSAID's because of stomach issues (yuck).  However yesterday when I told him that the pain was still there and that when I get up in the morning put my feet on the floor (which I DON'T WANT TO DO), I spend the first hour hobbling around and my hands after a few hours of work are "sore".  He immediately said well it is time to go to the next step and ordered Humira.  I had my first shot and today, I feel pretty good.  When I got up...hey no need to hobble (feet still tender but ... didn't feel like someone had spent the night beating them with a rubber hose!!) hi there!  I have been diagnosed with PSA for two years.  I am sure I had it when I was 28 and missed diagnosed.  I went into remission.
now I take 10 meth, humira bi-wkly, folic acid, feldene, kenalog shots every 12 weeks,
prednisone 2.5, and cymbalta for the nerves at the ends of me tendons involved.
I am always here to support you.  It is hard for people to know how you feel if they haven't lived through it.
i also have fibromyalgia and burn from my toes up and from my fingers up to the shoulders.
do you have fatigue problems??  Are you still working?
Dear Mona,

It's very important to have your medication that was given to you by your dr.

How old are you? A friend of mine started having the same problem a few months ago and is very young.

She is feeling a lot better since she is on the same medicine as yours.  She goes to the gym a few times a week for gentle exercises.

Hope this will be of some help to you.
