RA symptoms-did they start out not so bad | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if anyone has RA but didnt have bad sympotms at first...just pain and stiffness in the hands, thumbs and ankles? How long did it take to progress into a more painful disease? Thanks!


psakee421438930.5257060185So people start off with little pains and some get hit by a truck. I got hit by a truck. However, those starting with less pain, over a slower period of time tend to fend better over time and are most likely to go into remission is treated aggressively in the beginning.Hi Susan,

My RA progressed slowly and as Deanna says, as a rule, if it "comes on that way" we tend to respond better to the meds than those that have it come on suddenly and bad.  That is a generalization, of course, everyone is individual.

I have had a great response to the first two meds tried and am doing well.  That doesn't mean I don't know I have RA, it just means that I can do almost everything I was doing before but still have certain joints that hurt from time to time, and my hands continue to be quite weak, though they don't hurt nearly as much as they once did. 

I sometimes wonder how long I will be well.  Whether the meds will stop working and I will be in the position that many on this board are, or whether I will just continue to be one of the lucky ones.  All I know is that I live each and every day to the fullest "just in case." 

Hope that helps.

I had a little cramping in my hands and feet. Then I got hit by the truck. Looking back, I'm pretty sure the first symptoms I had were RA - I just thought I was overdoing it. But I woke up one day & couldn't walk. It really happened overnight. When you don't know what it is, it's a terrifying experience.

Thank you for your help!!!!


Mine was pretty gradual too. Started out with an ache in my hands that would wake me from sleep. I'd say in a years time it had progressed to the point where I could barely tie my shoes and by the time I couldn't raise my arms above my head I saw my first RD. Was dx'ed that day and quickly started on Sulfersalizine....naperson and best of all predisone. I also got two shots of cortisone that first day too.

I responded very quickly to the predisone. Over the next month we tappered that off and increased the sulfersalizine. That was the first of many DMARDS I've been on.

Over the years I've done real good on one particular treatment for a couple years at a time. They all eventually wear off and aren't as effective. Then we'll add more....and eventually switch to a different treatment entirelly. 12 years after being dx'ed I'm on Humira weekly and 20mg of MTX.

It's uphill at times.....but I've managed with a normal life all along. I do what a lot of folks my age do. I tired more easily and particular body parts give out on me more quickly; but I consider myself lucky compared to many others.

I do think many of us manage really well. You hear many here speaking of horrible pain and a very difficult life; but what you rarely hear about are those like myself that are leading successful lives despite a chronic illness.

I'm not saying there hasn't been times when the simplest task haven't been an absolute struggle....but I think it is possible for a lot of us; with proper treatment to lead a very successful, happy life with RA.

I sure hope you'll be one of them Susan.

I didn't notice my symptoms at first. I was opening my shop and I was working harder than I have ever worked, because I was supposed to have a partner (my Mom) and she decided it wasn't her thing and has never worked there a day she just writes checks I'm sure some people would like that but I was 23 and I may have worked retail since I was 14, but I never ran a whole store. Anyway I was by myself the whole time and now I love it. I still wish she would work with me, but I ask her opinion and thats about as much as I can get. Anyway (sorry I got off topic) I was basically underwater that whole year I was physically, menatlly, and emotionally overworked so I didn't pay much attention to the slight pains and uncomfortable feelings. I just thought they would go away when I got a break. Well we opened dec 04  during nov 05 I as ya'll say got hit by a truck. My feet started to hurt and within a week I couldn't walk. Next was my shoulders, same thing small pains and with in a week I wanted to be on morphine 24 hrs a day. I don't ever want to feel that way again. It calmed down for awhile and picked back up in many other parts of my body about 2 months about. I then got on web md looked at my symptoms and say RA was a possibility and asked my GP to give me a test (he thought I was crazy, when the results came out positive he was surprised...I guess because I'm 25?)Anyway I started celebrex, methotrexate and folic acid. So now that I look back I notice, but at the time I also thought I was overworked. It will get better soon I'm sure.

mine started out as minor carpal tunnel in my 1 wrist. slowly got worse for a year & then everything got bad pretty suddenly. 2 yrs later, i'm getting it all under control.


Mine happened overnight.  I went to bed and everything was normal.  I woke up with grossly swollen painful hands.Mine was more like Fiona's...slow, slow, slow....then WHAM!! I am not having a whole lotta luck with meds.

It is very interesting to read your various stories and I am grateful you each will take the time to share them!

I have had onoging epidoes of severe pain, etc., off and on throughout this entire 22 years of illness. We have just had a semi stressful 7-10 days.  I did relatively well through those "critical days of "almost having bought another house."  (One of the houses we'd been waiting to come back on the market for sale did so!  It was time for us to get very busy.) I now feel like I am literally dying.  I ache all over, all of my joints (large and small) areas incredibly painful.  I am all "stiffened up" in so many joints!  Wow.  My neck is a "mess," too.

I am a total wreck now, like I have been through each episode or each "flare up" of illness.  I am physically severely impaired and sometimesa cogi

My chest aches and if I go to someone, it is usually dx'd to be "costochondritis."  They want me to take narcotic meds for the pain and migraine meds for the headache.  I can barely move.  I feel like every muscle aches and burns.  Every muscle is also weak in nature when this happens, compared to what it's every day strength is. 

Bursitis goes wild and border on being uncontrollable.  Everything is so painful!  My head, neck, limbs, costochondritis.  My toes, the arches of my feet, everything hurts so badly.  My eyes hurt with motion, and sometimes  without moton.  I can barely type, as this is when joints. fingers (the first and second  joint outward, is red and full of pain! )

I am so uncomfortable I cannot sleep.  My husband and my dog are sound asleep.  He is snoring, she is howling in her sleep!  I am glad they are here with me!  Yet, I also know it will be a very long night tonight and a very long day tomorrow.  I never know how long an episode will last. I  am not complaining, really.  I just fel like  you will understand.

I cannot even write anymore.  It is time to bring the splints back out for my wrist.  (Carpal Tunnel)  Also need to bring the neoprene knee braces" as my knees also get much worse during this time.

I have to go, as I cannot write any more tonight!

Thanks for listening!  I have to try to put myself into bed!

Great hope and prayers for all! 




Overnight. Couldn't believe it.

oops - wrong post.

Please ignore this one



Hopeful~I'm sorry to hear you're having such a diffiuclt time.

Don't hesitate to take any and all pain medication they'll give you. If nothing else they will help you sleep and rest is a must right now.

Hang in there Sweetie.


Mine were very mild at the onset, just some tingling in my legs and very little pain.  After about 4 months, it progressed to where I could hardly move, swollen feet, hands, carpal tunnel, the whole body was in pain.  You all know what I'm talking about.   But my rheumy treated me aggressively right away with mtx and pred.  So today, it's very mild for me and am off the pred.  I wish you well.


Good Afternooon!

Please forgive me, I was a little "off topic" for this particular thread last night.  I was in so much pain and so beside myself that I'd needed to just "write it out" somewhere.   I now recall having  difficulty deciding where to write that note. 

I did fall asleepin a chair (reclined) for about 90 minutes.  That was about it!  I was in too much pain.  I am still weiting for the doc's office to call me back to see if they will agree to pain med increase.

Lovie, thanks for the kind words.  I really have never "told it like it is" for me in a forum, until last night.  I usually am much more concerned with how others are doing, etc.  I am trying to learn to accept some support.  Also trying to learn to be honest about how much pain I am in.  I have often tried to "protect" my husband and/or relatives, as they often feel helpless...I don't want my pain turn into their pain!

My illness came on with extreme fatigue and some intermittent arthritis.  Over the years, my condition has progressed relatively sloly, as it had started 22 years ago.  It has always had me "totally medically disabled" though.  Yet, docs still trying to find out more.

I am in a "bind" as i have GI bleeds with NSAIDs.  I have been on prednisone for a few years now, consisitenly.  (Just 5 mg.  Could use more, but the side-effects are so nasty!)  For several years, I'd just needed short courses of prednisone.

(Some days, I would give an large amount of money for 5-10 days of prednisone!  What a relief.  Yet, it had also started to become very "toxic" for me.  "Had to" get off of as much as I could.)

You are so right, Lovie, I should use as many pain relievers as they'll allow.  I try to use them "sparingly, as I'd like to have them "work" well for me later on, too!  It seems many meds that initially are very helpful, also "burn out" of being helpful.  Has anyone had that experience?

Doctors are still trying to "nail down" the exact diagnosis between lupus, RA, etc.  (In the meantime, I take Plaquenil, morphine, dilaudid, Soma (if needed), coumadin/warfarin and using a topical Ketoprofen/Bupivacaine cream on joints, neck, etc.  Have other meds, too like synthroid, clonazepam, etc.  I am just listing the ones prescribed by the rheumatologist. She did diagnose me with the "Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome, as well ;  that is what the Coumadin is for.) 

Each of us here knows how the chronic pain can be.. some days worse than others. 

I'd really like to get a better "handle" on this!  I am tired of all of the pain!  I have tried adding various anticonvulsant meds to also help with the nerve pain.  I cannot tolerate a single one of those!

I have the best rheumy in this area.  I just need to be more patient!

Hope many other board members are pain-free right now!?

I need to go back to my bed... I feel quite ill.

Please take care!





Hopeful, I wish you better times. I don't have any suggestions except to give into the rest and use the whole arsenol to deal with the pain.



Hopeful, I hope you find some relief from the pain. This is a great place to vent. We have some idea what you're going through, and we're here to listen. Wish we could do more.

Hopeful; This is the one place you don't ever have to be the strong one....and you can be open and honest about how you're feeling on a daily basis without worrying about how your situation will affect others.

I know what you are saying about the Meds. DMARDS are the same way. I haven't had that problem too much with pain meds; but every DMARD treatment I've used over the years eventually wears off. I'll be on something for a year....to three years and slowly but surely it will lose it's effect. We'll add more until that doesn't work anymore then we'll try something new. Sadly for those in our position we just have to accept that as part of the treatment. Don't avoid medication.....or use too little for fear of this happening. When it does happen; they will try another medication instead. Every problem has a solution; it's just finding that's the hard part.

Try real hard to keep that "Hopeful" spirit. It's brought you a long way so far Sweetie. It will continue to be your greatest asset.

Hang in there.

Hello to All!

Please forgive me for not responding earlier!  I have been thinking of you all... and keeping you in my prayers.

I have been struggling with a "relapse!"  Most likely the story of every members' lives!   My doctor did increase the morphine, which has helped some with the generalized pain.  I do not sleep very well when I start an increase in morphine.  Any of these drugs actually give me energy most of the time.  So... I did not sleep for two nights.  I was, at the same time, a zombie.  THe pain was getting better, yet a was cognitively gone!  (Well...mor than usual!)

I did get some sleep, finally, last night.  Just 6 hours though!  I hope I accidentally get 10-12 hours tonight!  (I do not work.) 

My husband and I had been "in the process" of looking at real estate.  I know I should not complain...as we are fortunate that we can look at it.  I am grateful it might be an option, as we had sold our home near the ski areas (the mountains) and have moved in closer to civilization!  We had bought a very small place until we'd decided where we'd wanted to live and whether we'd wanted a single family or a duplex for income, etc. 

He is pushing so hard!  I am saying, "Hey, we do not HAVE to move right now...or even this year!  We are fine right here!  It IS a little small, but it is beautiful.  So... if there's something that we really want and it makes financial sense, then...we can take a look.  Otherwise, just slow down!

I am soooo tired!  I am the one who works ou the details with the realtors, the banker, etc.  So...cool it!  I have been having to rest and then get up, shower, and then go to see "homes."  (While in a relapse.)  I usually do all of the "communicating," etc.  I do not mind...IF I am not in the middle of a relapse!

I'd told him on Sat., that was it for the weekend!  Others can wait!  Thought today would be "restful" and "peaceful."  No can do!  Today, he thinks we need to look at cars.  That was an outright no!  We have 2 vehicles that are just fine!  They are all paid off and have been very well taken care of.  Well...that made the rest of the day "sulkie."  I'd finaly said, "Look, you need to think about chilling on the ideas of spending.    If you want to move so badly, we need every cent we have to handle that transaction!    (He has not been able to adjust to that yet...It's ^:30 PM EST) 

Getting maried brought me more financial security, in some ways.  It has also brought more of a different type of stress.  I am very god at handling money, as I had lived for eight years on my disability pay only!  I had my own apartment, etc.  It was tough...many of you know just how tough!  I did not know how I was going to pay much of anything.  I just took it day by day.  It taught me to appreciate and to respect money.  I was never materialistic.  It taught me that if I can, I need to do a better job of handling our money so we can give more to others.  Seriously.  If I can find a multifamily where the "numbers" are right, I will have mpre money "freed up" to give to those in need.  At least my hubbie and I agree on that.  He just tends to get lost while heading for a goal, aspecially a lon-term goal!  I REALLY, REALLY want to be able to do that.  I am going to make it happen. 

I do know what it's like to not even know if I could buy my meds, food, clothes,anything at all.  My Heavenly Father took care of me.  He did ot "pour" money upon me or anything like that; yet, i'd never lived on the street or in a shelter, etc. 

So..anyway...I guess I was saying... please allow me to rest when I am in a relapse!  He is usually very good about that.  (We have been together for 14 years.)  Lately...maybe it's a "moon phase or something?" 

To anyone having housing and fiancial difficulties due to illness, I send up prayers for you every day.  I know it is so very difficult , disparaging, cruel, sad.  Please do share those struggles.  Learn to "reach out" to places that can help.  That can be very difficult...learning to reach out!


Hopeful,  You are such a wonderful addition to the board.  You are so hopeful - it is refreshing and you are a good reminder of what is really important.

My RA was overnight, then hospitalized.  It has been aggressive.  I have barely worked since onset, even though I have attempted to go back to the job I love three times.

When you describe your bursitis it makes me think of my muscle pain.  Most of my muscle pain is shoulders, upper arms, butt, thighs.  Could it be bursitis and if it is - is there anything they do to treat bursitis?

My RA is under control if I do not push myself.  Limitations are difficult for me but I am getting better at them.  The fatigue is the worst for me.  It used to be the pain.  I have taken very strong pain relievers, now on percocet, and it does mess with your sleep.  I have been lucky lately as my sleep has been good.  Wake up sore but I do pretty good after an hour or so.  I hope your relapse is short and you get some relief.  Stressful situations definitely aggravate ra.  I just accept that and try to go with it until I can relax. 


Hopeful; I agree with Roxy. You're a great addition to this board and I have no doubt you'll continue to inspire me to keep the faith even through difficult times.


Hi Roxy nad Lovie!

Thanks so much for the warm welcome into this lovely group!  I appreciate it!  I do try to remain hopeful.  I do not succeed every single day!  One day... I will be down and out and you two can show me "hope" when I need it!  A deal?

Roxy, bursutus occurs around joints.  There are sacks of fuid around joints  These are bursae sacks.  With bursitis, they become inflamed and full of fluid!  They are most noticeable by vision at the knee joints.  You may have swollen areas:  above the knee cap, below the knee and slighlty to the inside of your leg, etc.  Ankles swell just below the ankle bone.  It actually looks like a little "sack" of water sitting there.  (It is not "transluscent.)

People also tend to have bursitis around their shoulder joints.  THe ACV joint, approximately where your arm feel attache to your body... on the top of your shoulder/arm "joint area."

Bursitis is very painful.  It is most painful at rest.  It does not bother some people at all during the day.  Yet, it will throb all night long!  It is often burning pain.

Bursitis is often caused by joint "overuse."  Yet, persons with various types of arthritis may experience chronic bursitis without any "overuse."  (For example:  If I walk arounf, intermittently, while completing errands and am on my feet a bit... my bursitis rages! Strange.  I do not have to do much of anything to be in "overuse!")

Your doc can check for bursitis.  Also, most physical therapists, chiropractors know bursitis sites and can check on this for you!  I am reticent to say if this is likely for y ou or not.  It is more likely than a person withoout RA or other inflammatory arthrits diagnoses.

Treatment?  Yes!  Treatment involves ice, ultrasound treatments,  prescription NSAIDS by mouth OR by topical cream.  Also.. if it contiues, thereis another treatment in which a steroidal crea is deeply absorbed by your tissue if it is applied with an "ultrasound-like" device.  I cannot recall the word for this right now!  I will let you know once I recall it!

I have chronic bursitis.  It never goes away.  It fluctuates in severity.  Sometimes I'll have ultrasound treatments, etc.  Personally, if that does work at all, the bursitis becomes very active again once we have stopped ultrasound treatment.  I use a topical prescription cream, four times daily.  THis is a combination of ketoprofen15% and bupivacaine1% and is made by a compunding pharmacist.  It does wonders for me!

It does not hurt to inquire about this whenever yo unext see a doctor.

Tomorrow is the big day for you girl!  You are in my prayers as you "sign the papers!"

Thank you both, Roxy and Lovie for your uplifting comments.  I h ope to stay with this "community" and to share with one another...for a very long time!  I pray for the entire community here.

We are here to help one another!  All of us...on the face of the earth!  It's too sad...the multitudes that do not yet realize this!  We must tell them by showing them!  Yes?

have a good night of rest!

Hoping you find inner peace!  (Note the address, so you can return to it when you need to! lol!)

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