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Hi! Long time no post. I have been very busy with work (working over time actually) and dealing with a few things around the house. We are getting new cupboards, a new fridge, dishwasher and the whole works. The house is in such a mess. I make my tea in the bathroom, nuke my cereal in the morning in the sunroom outside, and wash my dishes (when they are not foam throw aways) in the bathroom tub!

I have a little question for all those who know so much about RA. I am very new to this... and was wondering what to do. Yesterday I started getting a sensation of not being able to breath. I have a caugh too that doesn't seem to be doing anything but being annoying. Also, today at work, I stated feeling nausiated and lighheaded. My legs began to hurt so bad... like my pants were made of sandpaper and was scraping off my skin when I moved. I am so stiff (it lasted all day long) and developed this sore in my nose! Could all this be from stress? I don't have a cold. Does it sound like a flare? My father thinks I have pneumonia. I don't think so. I do have a tight chest... not chest pains or anything to make me feel like it has anything to do with my heart. I am not really worried, but I am soooo tired! A lot of good things have been happening to me to lately, so I don't understand why it would be a flare.... or do they happen without any warning for no reason?? I just don't want to go to the doctor if I don't have too. I could go tomorrow, but to tell you the truth, I don't have the energy or drive to even check to see if my legs and arm pits are still shaved. ha ha ha!


You need go to Urgent Care or the ER if you cannot get into see your doctor RIGHT AWAY. You could have Pericarditis, very serious. If you have pneumonia or bronchitis, it can turn serious very fast.

Go to a doctor. Don't fool around with this. You could have brought on a flare by all the activity. But it sounds like you must be seen and your heart and lungs be evaluated.

Please don't fool around with this and forget the hairy legs and arm pits. Just go!

The tight chest and cough concern me too.  You can get interstitial lung disease with RA and/or the meds we take.  You should see a doctor asap to make sure you are okay.  The other symptoms might just be your RA telling you that you are sick.  That happens with me (e.g., I sometimes get stiff and achy before I feel the symptoms of a cold, etc.). 

You shouldn't fool around with this or minimize it, it could be very serious.


After supper, I did just that. I have an apointment with my GP first thing tomorrow. He is taking me right away. Thanks for the info!

DAR, listen to your elders. Deanna has been through virtually every RA symptom known to woman. GO - if she says now, GO NOW.

Dar~What meds are you on.

Not that it matters...it should certainly be checked out; but certain medications, like MTX especially can cause problems with your breathing. Nothing to fool around with.

I get inflamation in my breast bones; but what your describing doesn't sound anything like that.

If you've been sick phnemonia could quickly develope like your father mentioned.

Please let us hear from you tomorrow right after your appointment if possible. We'll want to know how you're doing.

Good Luck!

Are you on methotrexate? If so i wonder if its a side effect I have the same symptoms. Let me know too. Thanksstella38930.8934259259

yes, please let us know! good luck!


Hey Dar...Looks like my girls took care of ya already!DAR, I'm so glad you saw the doctor and are being treated!  I hope you take some time and allow yourself to rest to help your recovery.  Your health is much more important than work will ever be!

Really happy you went to the doctor. Give yourself lots of tender loving care and rest plenty. Pneumonia makes one really tired and can take awhile to get over.

So glad you didn't postpone this one.

   Dar, I'm glad that you went to the doctor. Hope that you're feeling better soon.

   MarisaThanks! I am off this weekend, which is a long weekend and the doctor put me off today and tomorrow. It will be nice! I haven't had a long weekend off in over a year and a half! I have a book I bought a few months ago and am finally going to be able to read it! Hey Dar, I think pneumonia is something even your parents recognize.  I'm sorry you're sick, but glad you're getting rest & treatment. Should help you feel better soon. Enjoy your "vacation."

Well, I spoke too soon. My doctor gave me a paper to give to my employer that says I need three days off. Meaning thursday (yesterday), friday, and monday since I am already off the weekend. Well, my father was upset today that I was not going into worktomrrow, and there was a fight, and to make a long story short.... rather than deal with this stress (like I need more in my life right now), I am going back to work tomorrow. His beef is that I am casual, don't get sick days, I am not paid while i am off, so I need to go back to work.

You know, as I write this, I realize. I am 33. If I want to take time off because I am not feeling well, I am going to do it. I am not going in tormorrow. Then, after the long weekend, I will see how I feel. Fight or no fight. I am going to start taking care of myself first.



Girlfriend I can not believe your Daddy would tell you to go back to work knowing how sick you are.....and how sick you've been. Wasn't he the one that originally thought you had phuemonia? Doesn't he understand that if you don't rest it won't get better?

You stay in. Drug up.....and rest, rest, rest. IF you are 99% by Monday then think about it; but if you're not, don't hesitate to stay home.

Trust me; the longer you are sick and off your RA meds the worse life becomes. It will only delay you getting better.

Stay strong. You can do this!!

You're Daddy needs a good old fashion spanking if you ask me. How dare he!! He should be the first to insist you stay home!!

Hope you're feeling better soon.

You know, people still die from pneumonia.  It is a serious illness.  Especially for people like us with immune system issues.  If your doctor says you need to stay home, then you need to stay home...period.

Take care and keep us posted.


Dear Dar...

Oh my!

Family can be very difficult around the topic of accepting illness and the implcations and/or impact.  What they fail to realize, much of the time is.. if you remain in "denial" along with them, you will likely only become more ill and very seriously so!

You are right and making wise choices in taking care of yourself.  I am sorry you also must "stick up for yourself in order to take care of yourself!"

However, you know what you must do!  We all applaud your decision to handle thsi in a very reasonable and healthy way!

Please do let us know how you are doing... if you can get away from the book!

Best Wishes!

Please be sure to inform your RD of the status of your pneumonia.  You shouldn't be taking some of your meds with being infected.   Please, be sure to mention this so that you don't end up in the hospital !!!!

Be sure to get some REST !!!!!

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