New To RA | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone.

I'm 24 and have just been told I have RA in my hands. I wondered if any of you have any tips on coping with it or dealing with the pain.

I have read a million things by different people but wanted to know what people who have actually experienced the disease would advise.

Thank you in advance

Well, RA is an auto-immune disease that can affect you everywhere.  The good news is, it is something that they can manage and have a lot of treatments for. 

I was diagnosed at the beginning of this year and my mom has had it for ten years.  I have gotten a lot better treatment than she did ten years ago.  They have come a long way in options for people with RA.

It is a process and a journey.  You will learn as you go. Everyone has different levels of pain and different areas affected and different responses to medications.  So it is very unpredictable in that regard.  I recommend taking the best care of your health that you can.  Avoid immunity boosters like echinacea.  Your immune system will need to be suppressed because that is what makes your body attack itself. 

Try to drink a lot of water and get rest.  You can have a good life, but it is a process and a mental journey getting to a good place, and some days you feel like hell and others you feel great.

Keep coming back and reading and asking question.  The peer support is really valuable here.

I was 23 myself when I was dx'ed 12 years ago.

The bad new for you Sweetie is that RA is not just dignosed in your hands. Or your feet.....knees or any other one particular spot. It's likely to affect many area's in your body over time. If your hands are the only area affected right now; you're lucky.

What sort of medication did they start you on?

You've come to the right place to get some answers. Together we've got many years of experience to share.....and we're happy to do so. Somehow it helps all of us to feel like we're helping someone in return.

Let me welcome you to the site.  I wish you were here for any other reason...but we are here to help you anyway we can. 

This disease can affect more then your hands.  That is where most people started...hands, feet, wrists.  Then the knees, hips, ankles.  But Everyone is different.

My mother had RA and Lupus.  My Uncle had a very Severe form of RA.  So, I am no stranger to this disease. 

There are so many great medicines now to combat this disease. It is a true journey of courage, endurance and we are all on and are not alone in.

I pray we can be a help in this time for you.  What medications are they planning on using and what test have you had so far?

Are you seeing a Good Rheumatologist and have all your questions been answered as to what RA is and is not?


Hi Louisa,

Welcome to this forum. Forums are a great place to find out the realities of RA. As AZ says, you've begun a process. It's not something you have one day, and that's it. At least that's not how it is for most of us. RA is a moving target. Just when you think you've gotten a handle on what it's doing to you, you wake (or can't sleep) with a new symptom, problem or pain. A lucky few go into longtime or lifetime remission. I hope you're one of them. For the rest of us, it's a daily challenge.

Lovie knows the ropes really well - she's been dealing with it a long time. Some people struggle with really severe symptoms and can give good advice about them. The rest of us are learning as we go and muddling along.

But you know what, I'm still me. RA changes what I can do, but not who I am. It doesn't get to define me. And it doesn't get to define you, either.
Hi Louisa, welcome to the new "family". I am new to the boards and to RA and I have already been helped in so many ways. My RA started in my hands in Jan of this year and spread like wildfire! I was'nt DX until April of this year and I did not take the RX given to me because of the scary side effects. I wish I had, with the exception of my first week on pred. I am in constant pain. I am greatful to have so many options available to me; it's just a matter of finding the right RA cocktail. I am thankful that this has happened at a time when so much information is as close as our computers. There is a great book you might want to get " Rheumatiod Arthritis and essential guide for the newly diagnosed by M.E.A. McNeil" It was a big help in the beginning. Hang in there and know we are here for you, Rain

My first question is how are they treating it? What medications are they trying? Are they giving your prednisone or Methotrexate? It is a systemic disease that affects all the major systems of your body. That's more than joints. It can be heart, lungs, eyes, etc. But very few people have those problems.

Hands is one of the most common places for it to start. Evidently, feet are too.

For the time being, there is a lot you can do to relief the pain in your hands. My favorite, (which I repeat all the time) is to get a paraffin wax bath, the ones they sell for manicure at Walmart. You do this twice a day. It feels great because the heat sinks in deep and your hands will be incredibly soft. If you work on a computer, buy yourself some compression gloves. These are expensive, but believe me they are worth it. I notice when I don't have them on. They are about a glove at the drug store. Also, sleeping with wrist braces at night can help. A lot of people sleep on their hands (that would be me) and it they give your hands and wrists a break. Sports cremes can be very good. Cheap, but they do actually work.

Also, start doing little finger exercises where you touch your fingers to your thumb. This will help you keep flexibility in your hands.

You should got to for general information and exercises.

Go easy on repetitive tasks. This will inflame your hands worse. And, get some tools that help you open up jars, etc.

They should also do a baseline xray of your hands, first to see if there is any damage going on and also to compare to it later in the disease.

The main thing is to get started with aggressive treatment. Your best chance of remission is in the early stages IF they treat it. That means getting on something like MTX, Plaquenil or the biologics. Your doctor has to work out what will work best with you and that does take time.

Glad you're here, sorry for the reason.

Hi Louisa. Welcome!! I have been coming here since I was diagnosed in March, and  can't begin to tell you how much I have learned here. Everyone here is so very nice and will always try to help you.

I'm sorry that you have RA, but there is so much that can be done for us now. I hope you have a good RD. I thought I did, but will be seeing a new one.

I wish you well.


In concert with all, AGGRESSIVE TREATMENT is recommended if you have RA.

I am a living example of someone who lived with RA for years and didn't see doctors right away (like any other guy I just took aspirin:).  Then, I was turned away by rheumatologist for not having a positive RA factor and not all "classic" blood tests for RA.

Well, after 7 months, it agressively moved into hands, wrists, elbows and knees.  I have multiple swelled joints and BONE EROSIONS.

Thus, my point is not at all to scare you.  Rather, if you really have RA, try to embrace it and TREAT IT with medications as agressive as you can because some of the damage cannot be undone (bone erosions).  Even Prednisone should be considered as a "bridge" therapy, to reduce swelling, until the other DMARDS start to work.

Always feel free to ask me further questions and I sincerely wish you well.

Howdy, Louisa. 

Welcome to the best boards for RA.  Even though there are few black and white answers, you'll find the best overview and experiences here than anywhere else.  Lots of good folks with lots of good insight.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of those.  I will say that both me and my sister have RA and we have very few symptoms that are similar in both severity and form.  Everyone is different and everyone has a story to tell.  Thats why this is the best board around.

Hi and welcome! Looks like you got alot of good info to get you started...but we are here for you if you have more questions.

Thank you so much for all your support and information, it's nice to know there is where i can turn where people understand how it feels.

I don't know what medication or treatment I will be receiving yet, I have an appointment next week to discuss my options.

I work for a beauty magazine so I have heard a lot about the benefits of paraffin wax and will definately be giving it a try.

Thank you for all your help.

Hi Louisa, I forgot to tell you, I found all kinds of things to protect my joints at (Dynamic I try and protect my hands as much as possible, I mean why not? Take care, Rain