Handicap Tags | Arthritis Information


Do any of you have handicap tags for your car? If so; what is the first step to getting them?, Thanks Rain My wife has them.  She had to get a letter from her Dr. then contact the DMVRain,

It is best to check with your DMV first.  Some DMV's require the Dr to fill out paper work, some require the Dr to sign the form and others just require a note from the Dr to go along with the form.


I had to get them again. You probably have a web site for your DMV where you can download their form and then just take it in for the doctor to sign.

Make sure that you mark permanent, even if you don't think you'll need it. It's such a pain to get one when you really need it.

In AZ, they are really cool about it. You take the form in and they make sure that you don't have to wait very long. Wish the Social Security office was that kind.

Thanks guys, I'll take the form with me on the 28th..that's a big help!

Your RD should have the appropriate paper work in the office.   That way all they have to do is sign it and you go to your local DMV and pick one up.  

It sure comes in handy when you have specialist that have LARGE parking structures or lots and you just can't seem to make it to the door.


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