For Fun - Crazy Superstitions | Arthritis Information


The crazy cures thread got me to remembering some of my grandmother's bizarre superstitions and I thought it would be a fun topic.  My grandmother was from the Applachian hills of West Virginia, and believe me folk lore is a huge part of the culture.  Here are a few of her superstitions:

When you get your hair cut or clean the hair out of your hairbrush, you have to take it outside and bury it under a rock to prevent headaches.

If your nose starts itching, someone is coming to visit.  If your ears are ringing someone is talking about you. 

I'm not from West Virginia, but I have heard all of the above. My grandmother was the most superstitious person that I've ever met. ( bless her soul ) But then again she was raised on an Indian Reservation in New York. She said she was born with a veil over her face. 

