Rash/Allergy?? | Arthritis Information


Not sure what is going on...maybe
some type of allergy or something. But Tuesday
afternoon I noticed my face had really dry flaky
patches and I had what felt like a few hives on ny
arms. Then Wednesday I woke up with red, very
itchy, spots/blotches all over my face. Got some
benadryl and anti-itch cream and then put on lots of
makeup because it looked really bad. Today I woke
up and it was much worse. Even blotches and red
spots on my eyelids. Looks really, really bad and
itches terribly. Went to my rather incompitent general
doctor (I'm in between rheumy's) who said ;"ooks
like your allergic to something'.....well no kidding. I'm
supoosed to take my mtx tomorrow. I asked him if
he thought it would be ok and he said'whatever you
think is best'.

Well, long story, but was wondering if anyone else
has experienced anything like this? Do you think the
mtx could afffect it any way?

Thanks for any thoughts, ideas, etc.
Hi Tara, I am new to RA ( as of April this year) but I know that the meds and RA itself can cause this rash on my face too. I have an appointment with a dermatoligist to find out how to treat this now. You really need to seek medical advice now though, don't wait...you are allergic to something and you need more answers than you PCP can give you, take care, Rain Have you changed ANYTHING?  Detergents, body wash, medications?  Think really hard... we sometimes forget what we may have changed.  If not then I would contact your RD or your PCP and get to a dermatologist.   There are some skin conditions that come with RA and Lupus.   Be sure that you are satisfied with the response... if not keep going to Dr.s until you are. Thanks for the advice and ideas. I've been going
over anything I may have changed...lotions, food,
meds., etc., but haven't found anything yet. I did call
my 'old' rehumy's office and he told me to come in
(full $ price office visit, yikes!) anyway, he said not to
take my mtx tonight and also took my off my lipitor for
a while. So hoping it goes away soon and doesn't
spread. So itchy and ugly!

I keep thinking about those shingles that Lindy or LindaK got. I think it's worth the visit to your old rheumy to get this checked out. Your GP's reaction was just stupid. But that's the problem with GPs, they are not trained on how to deal with RA. Rheumatologist actually have 4 more years of schooling than a GP.

When you get your new Rheumatologist, ask for a referral to a GP that has a lot of experience with RA. Failing that, look for one specializing in Internal Medicine. That's what I was told by my Pulmonologist and Cardiologist both.

I really GPs. Mine wouldn't believe there was anything wrong with me. Since then, I've stayed mad and haven't hardly been back to one. The ones that my daughter have gone to see have been horrible.

It's really changed since I was a little girl. I had the same doctor since I was a year old. Dr. Coleman was wonderful. I remember, even when I was being very young, he would be explaining this problem or that problem to me, not just to my mom, but to me. His biggest fault as a doctor was that you never got in and out of his office quickly because he just loved his patients. When I was in college, I did a watercolor for him that he kept hangin in the front of his office until he died.

Now, doctors are supposed to get you in and out in 15 minutes (if you are on a HMO). You'd better be ready with all your quesitons. That is just stupid.

I really hope you get this figured out fast. Sounds positively miserable. Try putting ice on it. I'm afraid to recommend anything else. It's so easy for us to pick up the strangest little diseases. Oh, the fun of living with RA.

Post as soon as you know what it is.

Hi guys. Well-day 4 with my very polka
dotty, itchy, ugly looking face! Th RD's nurse thought
it might be shingles which is why she wanted me to
come in and because it was on my eyelids too. But
the rd wasn't sure that was it. He did do several
blood tests, but wasn't sure it was an allergy either
because he said it would be all over my body.

So I guess in the meantime I'll just be using my
anti-itch lotion and taking benedryl-neither of which
have helped yet. Thought it would at least be starting
to go away by now

Deanna, the ice sounds like ti would be soothing so
going to try that. Thanks!


Really hope they find the solution soon. I'm glad it's not shingles because that's nasty stuff and can come back again.

Talking about the ice reminded of a time when my dad had an allergic reaction to shrimp when I was a kid. So this is over 35 years ago. They probably didn't have as many options then as they do now. I remember they put him in a bathtub and packed his whole body in ice for about 3 days. He was so miserable.

If you start having any breathing problems though, head to the ER because that would indicate a severe allergic reaction. But since you've gone this long, it's doubtful that's going to happen.

Wish I could think of something else that would help you. Sounds so uncomfortable. Maybe get some plastic bags and fill them with crushed ice.

Tara, I had a really bad rash on my head and on one eyelid which turned out to be shingles(which can be a complication of RA if you've had chicken pox before). It's probably an allergy, but on the chance that it's shingles you should probably see a dermatologist or eye specialist. Shingles that affect the eye can cause blindness and it's critical to start anti viral meds as soon as possible to sh orten the duration of  the disease.Do you have any tingling or shooting pains with the rash? That is another indication of shingles. You could research your rash on internet using skin rashes+ photos. That's how I figured out what was going on.Interesting.....because I do have recurrent shingles
on my hip/sciatic nerve. :-(   Comes back every
couple of months....and I do get sharp shooting
pains alot with the hip shingles (starts hurting a few
days before the breakout)

I do have a few pains with my face but not as severe
as my hip. Mosty itchy/achy. So thanks guys-you're
the best!! If it is not gone by monday I'm going to go
to a dermatologist!!

Poor Tara.  It has to be the meds or your immune system not protecting you like it should Thanks Roxy - that's very sweet. It's so great to have
all you guys for support. Don't know what I'd do
without ya!

p.s. rash is SLOWLY going away...but it is getting

Itchiness, rashes, hives, etc. are just too much when they itch constantly!

When I had first started to see a rheumatologist, I'd had been having hives so badly for weeks!  Prescription strength antihistamines did not help!  Adding in topical cortisone did not help.  Low dose prednisone did not help.  Had to get back on the prednisone.  I am very, very careful about changing any soaps, from laundry detergent right down to moisturizers, deodorants, shampoos, etc., etc.!!!

Have to watch my exposures to mold spores, other airborne allergens like trees, grasses, etc.  I also have to be very careful about dust mites!  (Some foods, too!)

In my last two flares, my scalp became very, very itchy, with huge flakes, etc.  Saw a dermatologist.  She was not sure of the cause.  She did, however, give me special shampoo and a steroidal solution to put on my scalp 4 times a day!  (Luckily, it is not oily.  Once your hair dries from applying it to the scalp, others could not tell you are treating your scalp!)

In this flare...over this past week. I am again itching all over!  I am also having to go back to treating my scalp and placing hydrocortisone ointment on various areas of my skin, etc. 

As far as any herpes viruses are concerned, along with reactivations thereof, the antiviral meds are fairly effective.   Herpes Zoster is the cause for the shingles. 

Many nutritional healing "experts" claim that the intake of high amounts of the amino acid L-Arginine will often start an outbreak of any "herpes virus based" dermatological lesions.  L-Arginine is found in high amounts in:  chocolate, cola sodas, nuts of any kind, etc.  These are often the biggest "offenders, as far as L-Arginine sources.

Some "nutritional" doctors do claim one may treat these outbreaks of herpes virus origins, including herpes Simplex I & II, Herpes Zoster, etc.by "balancing your Arginine intake along with your L-Lysine intake."

If one has an outbreak, they can take higher doses of just L-Lysine in order to counteract the viral replication, is the claim.

If one wishes to prevent recurrent outbreaks, on might want to consider eliminating sources of high amounts of L-Arginine.  If one indulges by eating chocolate, for example, one could quickly balance that out by taking a tab of L-lysine (a different amino acid). L-Lysine is thought to be very effective in healing viral lesions, including shingles, as I understand it.  Manufacturers now make L-Lysine ointment for application to Herpes lesions.  These are now sold in the usual drug and/or grocery stores, OTC.  (A few yrs. ago, these could be found in "health food stores" only!)

L-Lysine is available is pharmceutical grade. It likely be "pure."  It is available in gel caps, etc.  It is also available as an ointment , to place directly on the lesions.  (Note:  None of these treatments are FDA approved.)

I have seen this treatment work tremendously well!  I have some acquaintances who have not needed antiviral drugs (for recurrent herpes virus illnesses only) for several years now.  (This is never an option for other viral infections, like HIV, etc.)

NOTE:  I am not a doctor.  I am not a health professional. Herpes viruses can be very dangerous to anyone immune suppression and/or immune deficiencies.  "Shingles" are especially dangerous if on the face and anywhere near the eyes, as it can infect the eyes. Please always consult with you doctor on this matter!  I would advise everyone to not take a chance with treating without anti-virals , as prescibed by your doctor, if the lesions are on the face and near the eyes, are severely advanced anywhere on the body, etc.  Herpes Simplex I will be on someone's lip areas.  This is the only condition  I have seen people successfully use L-lysine ointments and/or an increase in L-Lysine intakes (orally).  I have heard many people report also using the L-Lysine supplementation of Herpes Simplex II very successfully.  PLEASE ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN(S) REGARDING WHETHER THE L-LYSINE METHOD OF TREATMENT WOULD BE AN APPROPRIATE TREATMENT FOR YOUR CASE WHENEVER OUTBREAKS OCCUR.

Has anyone found any antihistamine treatment  especially helpful for hives, itching, rashes?  I use Allegra.  I'm thinking there must be an antihistamine that works better?

I am hoping everyone is catching a "break" today from pain, fatigue, swelling, etc.  Either way, I hope everyone is enjoying the day!



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