Fatigue | Arthritis Information


Hi, I was wondering if you guys could help (it might sound daft to the more experienced amongst you).

I have read on a numerous amount of posts about the fatigue that seems to come hand in hand with RA. I personally have never felt so exhausted in my life.

What I wanted to know is, what causes this fatigue, and what is the best way to tackle it? I'm a bit new to all this so I'm still trying to understand a lot of it.

Louisa38933.2020138889 As far as I know, it's the RA itself that causes the fatigue, Louisa. In addition, some of us are on meds that make it worse. I'm on MTX, and I find that it makes me tireder and tireder as the weeks go on.

Your whole system is in a cascading collapse, and your body isn't taking to it well. Your immune system is out of whack. Your joints are screaming.

I've found that if I take a nap in the middle of the day, it helps. No real amount of sleep fixes the fatigue, though, because it isn't really caused by a lack of sleep.

I've been told the fatigue is because our bodies are constantly in a battle of the immune system...  It's in hyper drive in our cases and when you have the flu you are extremely tired ergo, much the same response.   It's just ours never seems to go away.  

Take little naps.. 20 minutes is usually enough to recharge you without becoming stiff or sluggish.

I have a question on this as well.  Like Louisa I am new to this and still trying to figure this stuff out.  I don't have a ton of pain and after about 45 minutes or so in the morning (or after a long nap) I can move pretty good.  I have no obvious swelling or redness so I look normal I just feel like crap.  Since my immune system doesn't appear to be behaving too bad should I be this dang exhausted.  I went school clothes shopping with my kids and my 74 yr old mother in law yesterday and even though the pain wasn't great I just kept getting slower and slower and stiffer and stiffer.  My mother in law had back surgery last year and after about the 5 th hour she was moving faster than me.  I am only 43 I find this very sad. 


It really did run my life until I started Humira.

Although it has also helped with some of the pain.....the engery level I've been able to achieve with Humira was something no other medication had given me.

Not all react this way to Humira or other biologics; but I have heard others report the same findings.

Although MTX did wonders for my pain and mobility; I felt like a walking zombie the majority of the time. Humira really has brought me back into what feels like the land of the living.


It's certainly nice to know I'm not on my own.

I think my boyfriend just thinks I'm being boring or something when i end up curled up on the sofa every night. He's really struggling to understand all this.

My husband does asphalt and concrete work and when it's hot outside he's really beat by the time he gets home. Rarely does he feel like doing anything when he gets home in the evenings and I am so greatful!!

I dont' know how I'd handle it if I had a partner that was ready to go, go, go when I got home in the evenings.

Even with Humira by the time I get off in the afternoons I rarely feel up to much except resting.

He means well, but he just see's it as something that gives me achey fingers and I'm making a bit of a meal of it. I've got a book that explains it really well but I can't get him to pick it up.

I guess he'll work it out in time

Hi Louisa

The fatigue is tough! And it's really important that your boyfriend understands what's going on inside you (especially as so many of our symptoms are 'invisible'). Is he coming to your appointments? It might help him digest the information if he hears it coming out of the mouth of a medical person!

Hang in there and be kind to your body by resting when needed. I'm only 40 and feel about 112 some days! (I need more sleep, 9-10 hours, so get to bed at 8:30 or 9pm most nights. Certainly before my 12 yr old daughter!!) Everyone here understands, so keep in touch with us.

All the best,


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