Ra tests- ccp | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know what the normal readings are for the ccp test??? Cant find any info on this. Thanks! psakee421438933.8136226852If that is the sed rate--normal is 20.

Yes, Anti-CCP was one of the tests my RD ran.  My labs normal range was less than 20.

kweenb38934.3426851852The ranges are: (from a copy of lab tests I had)

< 20 - normal / negative
20-39 - weak positive
40-59 - moderate positive
> 60 - strong positive

(mine was > 200...eek!)

Anyway, these are the ranges/explanations on my
paperwork. If anyone has different/additional info,
would love to know that too.

I just checked my bloodwork results from a few months ago and my sed rate was 11..that's really low compared to many but I still have all the issues of RA. I guess there are other contributing factors. h2osign38935.1391550926There are other factors, a few that I know are, sed
rate, crp, ccp rf factor, physical observation, and
medical/family history......

Tara L is quite right, there are a number of blood tests for confirming RA. Some are not conclusive in themselves but are used by doctors as indicators or "markers." If you have an elevated ESR, (sed rate) 70+, for example, there's no need to tell the rheumy that you're hurting. He/she knows you are simply from the test result. My ESR reached 131 so I really feel for Tara L at 200+. On MTX and added Arava  a week ago, some signs of  improvement. Fingers crossed.

It's all very confusing, you can do a Google search for the various tests such as ESR, crp, ccp, rf factor etc and become possibly more confused.

Good luck to all with RA, hope your meds kick in at some stage..



It is entirely possible that I misread something - I do that a lot :-), but I think they are talking about the Anti-CCP, not the CRP.  Is that right?

Your post really brings up a question from me, though.  My last CRP was normal, but I was in extreme pain.  I had my CRP at noon, then at midnight that night, my flare started.  Does anyone know if the CRP should have been elevated at 12 hours before the pain started?

I have also had times that my CRP and ESR were elevated and I wasn't in pain.  This all can be so confusing!

Maybe I'm confused. However, do try the Google search. For example one site I visited had this to say about your query - "CRP is a general indicator, not specific....in RA a low CRP level is possible and not indicative of no inflammation."

It seems to be all trial and error, as I've gathered from many posts here. Hoping you have some pain free days!

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