Terinski - How are you doing? | Arthritis Information


Now, that you finally got the surgery over with and are able to get back on your meds, are you feeling any better. I sure hope so.Hi Deanna!

I'm doing fairly well.   Finally feeling semi-normal.  Being able to go back on the ibuprofen surely helped, but not sure about the Planquenil.  Doesn't seem to be doing anything, and it's been over a month. 

Still working on the refinance of the house, found out that BofA really screwed up my credit report, and trying to get corporate america to get things done that they screwed up is taking a snails pace.  Then waiting for the credit reporting agencies to expedite is a night mare.  Hopefully that will be all taken care of and they will fund the by the end of the month, cause I'm a month behind in most of my bills...  yuck!!!  I've been working on this since May, cause I knew I was going to need the finances to get me through the summer.

I have about three more weeks before I go back to work... strange feeling, as I've never had this much time off before!!! 

Glad you are better. It was grueling how much pain you were in before the surgery. Remember, it takes about 6 months to really heal from that type of surgery. That might be why you're not getting much kick from your Plaquenil. If the situation last very long, don't hesitate to call your doc. Remember our immune systems are in overdrive and surgery just gave it a reason to react again.

I think I hate dealing with financial stuff more than anything. I find it so stressful. But I've gone through that a bunch of times. The creditors will get over it. Just call all your creditors, tell them that you just had surgery and that you need to make some kind of arrangements until you get back on your feet. Do not let them make you commit to anything you know you cannot afford.

I know what you mean about it suddenly not working. This is a terrible shock to my system. I was a severe workacholic before I had RA. That was hard enough to change. Now, I get up and what do I do with me now?

However, I'm discovering I have tons of paperwork to file. Six years of medical records is a bit hard to compile and I keep pretty good records. I keep thinking when they've seen these, they say I'm able to work if I could put all that together. But I have to take lots of naps and resting in between.

Just enjoy your time off. Set aside one day to deal with the finanical stuff and then drop it. I find that if I schedule a time when I'm going to deal, and it has to be when I've feeling good enough, that it takes some of the stress off of it.

I'm just so glad you finally got through the surgery. I felt so bad for you when they took you off everything that helped. I think in another month you are going to see a real difference in the way you feel overall.

I hope so, Deanna!   Each day is better than the other for the most part.  I see the Rhuemy the end of Sept.  I'm pretty sure he is going to suggest MTX or something else to add.  That's what gets to me more than anything, as everyone knows, you never know from day to day, how the joints are going to be. My knees are starting to give me some trouble and aching, but that just might be due to not as much movement as I was used to before the surgery.  

I'm so happy to hear that you made a decision you can live with about your job. I know how much you were agonizing over that choice.  Just reading your posts, you seem to be a lot more at peace! 

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