what kind of Drs. do everyone see | Arthritis Information


What kind of Drs. do you all go to see, everyone is telling me i am getting worse and that i should not only be seeing my family dr. and my rheumy. but that i should  be seeing a Neurologist and an Orthopedic Spec. Im going to need a shrink when this is all over im on antidepressents now. what can an ortho dr. do that a rheumy cant? im so mixed up my head is spinning.   OMG, I see several. I have two GP. See them for blood pressure, general check up, sinus problems.

   My Rhummy treats me for my RA and my puesdo- gout.

   I have 2 ortho docs. One is treating me for my work related injuries and the other is treating me for my knee OA.
   The difference between Rhummy and ortho, Rhummy doesn't fix bones. The ortho doc is trained to surgical fix your bones. So if you're having trouble with the bones locking or rubbing against each other, or misalign, you should go see a ortho.

   The neuro doc handles anything that has to do with the nerves. Now it can get tricky if you're having problems with the spine. If it is up in the neck area you can go to either a neuro or ortho. Lower back, ortho.

   Basically, your GP doc is the primary and he refers you to a specialst when he's not trained to handle major problems in the specialst area.

   Hope that this clears up your confusion.

   MarisaI go to a GP who is my preferred provider and an internist. I see him for referrals to other specialists and for infections. He's someone who can overview what is happening . I also see a rheumatologist every few months and an opthemologist since I'm on plaquanil  and prednisone which can damage eyes. I also have Sjogren's syndrome which can affect eyes and throat so I see an ear nose and throat doctor when needed. I am sometimes referred to a physical therapist for joint and muscle trouble related to the RA and OA and fibromyalgia. I go when the GP or rheumatologist says I need to go, but I let them know If I think I need it. I also see the gynecologist and I've seen orthopedists on occassion when something is not working. I think you need to have one doctor overseeing your care who will more or less make the decisions about who you need to see.

I of course have the commone doctors....the GP, the OBGYN, The opthemologist for the same reason Susan states; and of course rheumatologist. I was once referred to an orthopedic spine specailist after my RD did X-rays and wanted me to see him. He ended up doing and MRI and basically dx'ed my problems; but my RD treats me for those problems.

My RD once mentioned me seeing a neuro for some nerve damage I have in my legs; but he knows I haven't made an appointment and keeps an eye on the trouble.

If you are being treated by a good GP & RD they will advise you if a different speacialist is needed.....if at all.

Right now I only see the Rheumy and the OB/GYN.  I only see the GP when absolutely necessary, she's a bitch and doesn't care at all.  I am going to be looking for a new GP, but it's difficult with the medical group I'm in.  
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