Question about Treatment | Arthritis Information




I was diagnosed 1/05, and had to change dr's in July of 05, I've on mtx, mobic, remicade, vicoden and just started methylprednisolone.  Previously I was on Plaquenil, humira, and prednisone.  I have not had relief yet, I do have a few good days, but not many.  I don't know what else to tell my dr. to make her understand that I hurt


Hi Melodie, welcome to my new "home away from home". There are a lot of wise compassionate people on this board. I have found a lot of comfort here since I joined a month ago. I have been in pain since Jan 06. It took several months and lots of bloodwork to find out I had RA. RA changes everything, but I am striving to find a new me. Yesterday I was exhausted and felt like I wanted to just give up; but I slept for 5 hours last night ( more than I have in weeks) and this AM I woke up hopeful again. I think that's the way this goes. I've been on Enbrel for 7 weeks, Pred 20 mg. for 6 weeks, and the Pred keeps me from sleeping and moody! I like the Enbrel, no side effects, and I believe it is slowing down the process which is most important.If your doctor does not understand what you are going through, can you find a new Rheumy? I gave my Rheumy a trail period of 3 months to see if I liked him and if he understood and respected what I was going through. He has proved to be very good in both areas. Keep in mind the the doctor works for YOU.. you are paying for their summer home, so make sure you are getting your money's worth. Good luck to you, and keep in touch, Rain

Hi Melodie,

I can feel for you in your situation.  Conveying the severity of your pain to a doc can sometimes be a challenge but not always impossible.  I've found that the more I know about my disease and the medication I'm taking, the easier it is to talk to my RD.  Educate yourself about your meds and let them know that somewhere in the two courses of meds you've been on, you should be getting "some kind" of relief.  Ask for options, option, options.  Ask lots of questions and make it very clear that your expectations are not being met on any level. 

Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the more knowlege I have about this disease and the more enthusiasm I show about fighting it, it seems to really get docs on my side and willing to help me.

That's good advise. I think the doctors really are surprised sometimes when they learn that we actually know what we're talking about and we are taking an active role in our own treatment.

Welcome to AI....glad you're here. I hope things look up for you soon.

Melodie, since you were just in the ER, the doctor's office should get you in right away for a reassessment. If they are not willing to do that, then it is probably time to look for a different doctor.

You may be med resistant, which some people are. But whatever the case, ending up in the hospital is a serious sign that, no, it isn't under control.

Really push to get in there. It sounds like you have been getting a good mix of medications, and should be responding to them by now. But it is obvious that you are not. Maybe adding Plaquenil to your current mix would help. There are different things that they can add or change dosages. Also, you may need some time off work for your body just to recuperate some. I've had to do this several times over the years.

So push and welcome here. Let us know how it turns out for you.

Thanks everyone for your answers, I don't work anymore, haven't been able to for over a year.  Unfortunately, if I change RD's I will have to travel to another town as there is only one here.  She is supposed to be one of the best.  i don't drive very much, my daughter has to take me most places.  I do have an appt. in two weeks with the RD, so I think we'll have another serious caht.  Thanks again.Do let us know how you appointment goes. If you get feeling worse, see if you can get the appointment moved up sooner.

Hi Melodie

I can SO appreciate and understand what you are going through.  I have the same do I get the DR to understand the severity of my pain.....I've had problems since last year and am still not being labeled with RA - my blood work is negative but a MRI was positive for early RA...anyway, I digress......

Suggestion:  My husband (after being with me at my last appt) throught I should start relaying my pain to him on the 1-10 scale

Good Luck and my prayers are with you....Jody

Hello Melodie,I'm new here to but have found some answers to my questions here,these are good and understanding people,I have been on Enbrel since Jan 06 and mobic just now on MX I also have my good days and bad days,but you have to keep your head up and tell yourself it can only get better,tell your doc that its not working on you and try to narrow your symptions,don't give up help is out there,I've had to learn when I feel tired or hot I take a time out to cool off and rest,make time for it,don't let it control you,you control it,hope any of this helped