Humira & Pregnancy & Tummy injections | Arthritis Information


Hello, everyone

It's been about 9months since I've been on this site and I've missed it the support he is great and helpful. My life has been such a whirl wind this year and now my baby is starting preschool and all the emotions with that. Anyway last time I posted I was inquiring about anyone who has been on Humira, and how their pregnanacy 9-10mnths and birth went as far as the child was healthy? Any one taken it during pregnancy?

Well time has come and I am not getting any younger. I'm getting very close to making a decsion on Humira and or pregnancy. I guess my biggest fear is that I will be come bed ridden because I hurt so bad from not being on my Humira.  I have been told by two sperate doctors my RA says 1-3months off the Humira. My DO says 6months because we don't know the history of birth defects and how long it stays in the bady for the fetus to be okay?

Anyone know any info on that? Only thing Abbott would tell me is that there has been no research on fetus and Humria?

Also, I am now taking my injection in my tummy, well my bottom roll

Peace, Theresa


