Side effects of Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I have been on Enbrel since Jan 06 I have read all the pamplets that came with it about side effects medically but what about other side effects if you call them that like loss of sex drive,mood swings,weight gain,depression,tiredness,does anybody else experience these are some other ones,also eaisy bleeding,



I took Enbrel for about 1 1/2 years.  The side effects that I experienced where a marked increase in my migraine frequency and sinus infections.  The easy bleeding and bruising I attribute to the RA, cortisone and one time use of Prednisone.  Or at least that is what my Rhuemy's nurse tells me.  The depression I experience relates to my inability to exercise that seems to keep depresssion from rearing it's ugly head for me.

Hope this helps but keep in mind everyone relates differently to drugs but I have heard a lot about increased headaches and sinus problems with Enbrel.

I was DX with RA in April 06. I have been on Enbrel for 10 weeks, I don't really have any side efefcts except for redness where I give myself the shot. My mood swings and weight gain & everything else you mentioned comes from being on Pred. I can move, but I know I need to get off the Pred. What other meds are you on? It might not be the Enbrel causing the side effects, hope this helps.

All those side effects could just be from having a chronic matter what it is. Fatigue is a symptom of RA; not the medication. Lack of sex drive can very well be related to the fatigue. It's a visious cycle unfortunately. Pain, depression and moodiness also lowers your sex drive....I'd think it's obviously related. I think we've all been through that.

I'm not on Enbrel; I'm on Humira but it has increased my energy level and my quality of life so much. With this it has also improved every aspect of my life including my sex life.

We're you experiencing any of these symptoms before you started Enbrel?

I was on Enbrel for a few weeks and the only real side effect I had was migraines, but they were so severe and I was getting them several days a week. I switched to Humira because of it.

I've been on Enbrel for about 6 months and I haven't noticed any adverse side effects.  For me, the intensity of my pain and stiffness has decreased, although the progression of ra seems to keep moving forward (from feet, to hands, to writst, etc).  Also, my energy level overall seems to have increased.  

I think its hard to measure the effects of any medication on such a strange illness that moves and lurches forward in such uneven and often random ways.

I still think its the best option for me.  Best of luck.

Thanks all for responding,h2osign I am also on mobic,folic acid,and recently put on methotrexate,Lovie I was experiencing migrains before starting enbrel but haven't had one since I started it in Jan 06,since I started enbrel I noticed I get more fattigue now cause my job (resturant mgr) keeps me on my feet 12 to14 hrs aday 6 days aweek,see about 3 yrs ago had liposcope on my knees 3 times,the doc took almost all my cartlidge out,he wanted to do some more but I didn't think it was necessary so I traveled 3 hrs( I live in lower Ark.) up to Little Rock to see a rheumatolist,he said the scope was unnessary,that the doctor did more damage doing that than the RA would have,I just wish I could have my life back so I could be able to go out side and play with my 6 year old daughter when she says daddy come play with me and I'm so tired I can't hardly move and I break down and cry,It is a sad disease to deal with sometimes. crunchy38940.098587963Sad and lonely at times.But Honey, HERE you have family Guess what???? I went to a party Friday night and met a woman my age w/RA! We sat in a corner and compared stories. My husband finally came over and said 'what are you two so involved in talking about?" and I said "SHE HAS RA TOO!" and he smiled and said "Oh great!" - obviously not great that she has it but great that I found someone who's in the same boat as I am! It was a funny exchange of words.