Prednisone | Arthritis Information


When I stated on pred last month my doctor said it would be for a short while. I am noticing that people on this board on on this med for a long time.
If all goes well with my embrel shots could I expect he will start tapering me dow soon? Has anyone been on it for just a few months?

ThinkthinnYes -- you can be on it for a short time and then weaned off without problem. Enjoy the pain relief! Yes, if all goes well with the Enbrel, your doc should start bringing you down off of the prednisone and hopefully have you completely off the stuff.  Most RDs I know don't like their patients being on pred at all and work towards getting them off of it.  But "taper" is the word here.  Coming off Pred is a gradual process so do as your doc says.  Good luck and I hope you get off the pred and never have to see it again! 

Definately. My doctor has always prescribed predisone in short courses for me. When ever it's been prescribed we've adjusted my current DMARD also. By the time I readjust to the new dosage I'll be coming off the predisone.

Predisone can cause long term damage and is not recommended for long term use. Some seem to get "stuck" on it and it's those that will one day come to regret the damage it will do to their body over time.

I have always responded quickly to predisone and DMARDS alike. Unfortunately for some they do not respond to the meds as well and sadly these are the ones that end up on predisone long term due to no other choices. It will be years before they realize their doctors mistake.....and by then it will be too late to reverse the damage.

Lovie,  Since I am a newbie, can you tell me what DMARDs are?  I am very interested in getting off this pred. or only taking it in short spurts.  The only thing I have heard about is the pred and my Rheumy and other Drs don't seem to care that I am having probs with the pred.  They don't like to give me anything to deal with the side effects either!  Would love to hear more and will gladly change Drs. if I can get on something not so debilitating. 

Janice I appoligize. I tend to forget these terms are news to so many of you.

DMARDS are a group of medications that are used to slow the progression of the disease. They are Disease Modiying agents and although they aren't for pain they will control the RA and there for it actually helps the pain in the long term.

Sulfersalizine, Plaquinel and Methotrexate are three commonly prescribed DMARDS that you'll hear mentioned here. I've been on all of those over the years. It's likely your doctor will prescribe one of these early in the process. If not definately ask why you are not being prescribed one of these. After that doctors often will move onto the next class of medications referred to as Biologics. These include Humira, Enbrel and Remicade. They are given either in injection form or infusions. They are usually used after other DMARD treatments have either lost their effectiveness or an individual does not respond well to other treatments. They have been proven to be very effective for many like myself that have eventually worked their way out of the commonly prescribed DMARDS.

12 years ago I was started on Sulfersalizine. Over the years I have changed medications as needed; but I have always been on one form of DMARD or another. My doctors firmly believe it's these treatments that have allowed me to lead a normal life with little limitations. I won't say it's always easy.....but I could be much, much worse off had it not been for early and continuous treatment.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have. You're amoung a group here with lots of well a several nurses that have very good advise.

Lovie,  Relafin is a DMARD also, isn't it?  That is the one I take and has helped.   Relafin is an antinflammatory if I'm not mistaken.Thanks for all the information, Yes there is a wealth of knowledge here. What I am understanding now is the pain relief I am getting from prednisone is the best it will get.
When I am off pred and on my other medications I will be experiencing some pain and flare ups but not all the time.
Is that the case?
Sorry, but I hope Im not too confusing. I responded quickly to the Pred as I have to other medications.  I was only on it for 10 days whne I started to get weaned off.  All went very well and I was dropping 1 mg. every 4-5 days.  However, once I hit 3mg. my body went crazy.  I felt worse than before I had started.  Do some research, as some people have a very difficult time once you are leaned below 5mg. even if you are only on it for a short time.Poof,
Are you stil on Pred? When you said your body went crazy do you mean th eRA pain came back?

If you respond well to the DMARD or Biologic treatment choosen for you it won't be bad at all. I personally have always responded well. Over time certain medications such as sulfersalizine, plaquinel and even MTX weren't as ellective and I'd have to be put back on predisone while we "Tweeked" (As I call it) my meds. We'd either increase the dose....or change to another entirelly. Every time I've done this and begun to come off the predisone the new dosage or medication will have had time to take effect. I barely notice I'm off the predisone then.

It's going to depend on the person Thinkthin. If you are responding well to the MTX & Enbrel that you're on you should be ok. If you don't feel as well as you hoped ask about increasing the dosage of MTX. I had to increase to 25mg of MTX as well as Humira weekly over the last couple of years to get the results I was getting 12 years ago with Sulfersalizine and naperson....but it's still preferrable to being on predisone constantly.

Granted you'll have to re-evaluate what's an exceptable pain level for you. If you freak every time you have a pain and can't handle a certain amount of pain you'll constantly be searching for something better. Hopefully you have found a doctor that does not think predisone all the time is ok and will work with you to find a treatment combination that works for you. Sometimes that takes a lot of trial and error.

I know it's confusing.....and despite their best efforts; sometimes some people have to be on predisone all the time. I'm not saying their weak....I'm just saying that over time that will be a decison they will regret. Finding the right combination is often very difficult. BUT; I know if I was in a place where I could not walk without it....I'd have to make the same choice despite the long term effects. I started this when I was 22 so I've had to think ahead and think about what my future holds as well as today.

I'll be the first to admit I've been very, very fortunate to have been able to respond so positively to the meds my doctors have tired. Sadly; Not everyone is that fortunate.
