Info | Arthritis Information


Hi!  Since the boards have been down and we have all been away for so long, it would be nice to get to know everyone again!  Please tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Marcy and I am an Oncology Nurse.  I have been a nurse for 15 years and have had RA for several years.  I am on a boatload fo medications


Hi Ladies,my name is Sherry and have had RA for 3 months now.I drive truck over the road with my husband as a co-driver.We haul a 53'trailer,from state to state.At times it is very painful bouncing around in a truck day and night,but we own our truck,and the payments need to be made.

My name is Carol.  I'm an elementary teacher and have been dxed with RA for around 7 years.  I've been with AI for about 5 years now.  I'm home recovering from surgery on my wrist and arm, but should be going back to work soon. 

I'm on Enbrel and azufadine for the RA....and some other drugs for other things. 

Nice to see the site back up!!  And nice to see some of the old gang still around!



My name is Margaret, I am in the UK and have PA, have missed this site, especially the chat room, will be glad when it is back next week.

I left my friends in it wondering if I went ahead and kidnapped my new grandson when he visited at Christmas, my son was very mean

I have weaned myself off of the prednisone BUT only with being on MTX, Remicade, Relafen, Ultracet -

I was on 20mg a day for quite a while but after being on MTX, and Remicade, I was able to wean off of it (after a while).  I have had a couple of times since that I had to go back on it for a short time.

    Hello I am new to this site I have been diagnosed for about11/2 years now.I am very fortunate to live in H.S.,AR. where I can go and work out in the hot springs. When I first started they had to lift me in now I can walk in. My feet and ankles were swollen that I could not walk on them. I take a 50ml shot of embrel a week and methotrexate once a week and 5ml of predisone every day,that I would like to get off completely.I thank the lord for the wonderful hoy water that he has given us to use.The native people new what would help.I am always looking to help anyone that I can.


Hi Marcy,

Well I am kind of tiredinOrlando.  I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis of the hip and also now most likely degenerative disks of lower spine, the MRI which I am soon to be scheduled for will tell for sure (sorry I am not to up-to-date on exact medical terms). . .but in other words "Oh my aching back!"  LOL!  I also am a first time grandma of a beautiful and sweet grandaughter now 9 months old. . .Picking her up and carrying her around is tricky sometimes. . .that is why I went to a back specialist after the primary care physician diagnosed my osteoporosis (they missed the arthritis). . .I now take fosomax for the osteo and now an anti-inflamatory for the arthritis before the next step.  They mentioned possible steroid injections.  Right now, I feel also pooped to say the least, so I do understand your fatigue.  But thank goodness for modern medicine. 

I'm happy to have found these boards and am looking forward to getting to know everyone.


Hello Marcy, BJ, Martha, Sherry, Carol, Margaret, June, Bobby, Pam, and Cris:

My name is Cyndi and i was diagnosed with RA in May 2004 so it is very new to me.  I work in an italian kitchen for now while attending school to become a pharmacy tech which i will be finished with this May.  I am on 20mg of methotrexate a week and 1500mg relafen daily.  So far this has helped me out a great deal.  However here lately i have been really tired and no energy.  Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.  I am really glad i found this site.  Thanks again guys and have a great day.






Hello all, my name is Jen I was diagnosed about 7 years ago, I have RA, I just recently started taking Enbrel 50mg a week, I also take MTX 12.5mg once a week, and mobic. It is nice to know that other people are experiencing the same kind of feelings about having a chronic illness and that really know what each other are going through with dealing with the pain that is associated with it.


Hi everyone-

My name is Mary. I have RA, CFS, and Fibro. Every day is a challange, but I make it through. I'm glad this site is back up and running. Its a place I can come to and vent, cry, laugh, and be with others that understand. I have 2 teenage sons and a Wonderful husband.

From, Mary

Yes it is nice to come to this site and chat.  Sometimes even the people we live with seem to not have a clue as to how we feel. 

My name is Barbara and I have had arthritis for 23 years.I have non reactive RA or Reiters; OA, DDD, Sjogrens, LERT, Pheriphal Neuritis, and a "partridge in a pear tree." I have had 4 neck fusions w plates & screws and 1 hand surgery with more to come. I consider myself an expert on neck fusions. Best advice - try to keep a sense of humor even when things are going badly. 



Hi everyone,

Very glad to have found this site. Each topic is so familiar to me in one way or another. It's nice to have comrades! I'm 35 and was diagnosed with JRA when I was 3. I've had too many surgeries to count but none of them have slowed me down too much. A second ankle fusi0n (broke my ankle replacement) and neck surgery are the most recent.

I work full time as an software engineer and live with my wonderful boyfriend. I have been on everything from gold shots all the way to enbrel - which I'm currently on. It has been life changing. The arava had stopped working for me so the enbrel was a nice change. Though I wish I had known the enbrel came with a whopping 20lbs. Small price to pay I suppose.

Looking forward to the continued discussions. I just found the site todayand already learned so much.


Hi Everyone - My name is Terrianne and I was diagnosed with RA three weeks ago. I am 28 years old and have been a flight attendant for the last 7 years. However, I have been on medical leave for the last 4 years due to an array of medical problems including severe allergies, a neurological disease etc. (Now, I am probably going to take another job at my airline because working as a FA is too physically demanding) I had a pretty complicated surgery to tighten up my ankle 3 days before I was diagnosed. A lot to deal with at once. This was my 15th surgery in 5 years! AHHH! Anyway, my Rheumatologist started me on MTX to take in combination with Celebrex to start. I took the first dose of MTX on Monday night and have been extremely nauseated ever since, though today is a little better. I also had a terrible headache on Tuesday and have been even more fatigued than I was to begin with. Is this normal? I have also lost an additional 4 pounds in 3 days, which is not good, because the RA has also been making me lose weight. I would welcome any suggestions to help me get through this. Thanks.