RLS’s friends.... | Arthritis Information


I have heard someone here say that RLS is not just a leg thing and that it can effect the arms too. I also noticed on a commercial that I saw it being described as different sensations to different people.

So my question is this...I often feel as though I have something crawling on my arms. I always look or feel, but there is nothing there. I dont usually get it anywere but my arms.

Any ideas...or am I nuts?

Wonder if this is simular to what Shannon is experiencing as well.

I too have simular problems; but it's been very hard to describe. Right now mine mainly affects my left leg.

Crunchy:  I get a similar thing.  Feels like I walked through spider webs.  Just on my arms.  It's been doing it all week.  Weird!  Is it that kinda feeling?


YES! Or you've got a hair on you that you con't seem to find?


How weird!  I get this skin-crawling, spider web, hair on me thing too but I never once thought about it being my meds or my disease.  I always look to see what's there.  Glad to know I'm not losing my mind!I wouldn't describe my RLS in the arms this way, but it sure sounds like many of you have a similar "strange feeling."  With RLS the sensation is so uncomfortable (not really "painful" just feels AWFUL) that you have to move the limb to make it go away (for about two seconds till it occurs again!).  It is this "need to move the limb" that gives the syndrome its name.  Do you have an uncontrollable desire to "shake your arm out, or move it around" as a result of this sensation or is it more like Lovie describes and you want to sort of touch it to see if there is something there?


I just have it in my legs and only at night when I constantly want to move them. They have me on Nortripline and Klonapin.

What I would like them to fix is the tremors in my legs which are totally different.

I get the same sensations... the docs say its due to the neurological effects of RA and the meds.  That is what gives that weird crawly feeling.  Its so strange... but its not RLS. 

I think people do have RLS, but watch out for those drug company ads... they try to take in as many people as they can, being vague and appealing to us in any way.  We are actually one of the only countries who allows the pharm. companies to advertise on TV.  Start to watch them more closely... they all try to get you to ask your doc for a specific med.  They are so sneaky.. and one will also notice that almost all the ads during evening shows like the news are from drug companies.  They make more than you can imagine from advertising now, more than the top companies, when it was illegal for a good reason.  They also have at least one lobbyist for each representative in Congress.  A good book that really goes into this topic and how the whole med industry is out of control is OVERDO$ED AMERICA... I recommend this book to everyone here.  It reveals so much!  Get it today... its written by a doctor.

That's a great suggestion, Pepper. Thanks.

Yep...I get the need to brush off what ever is there...but nothings there. I wouldnt take meds for it anyway even if there was some. It is not that bad, just weird.

Jeanne! You have exactly described the feelings I'm getting across my
back. I didn't know what RLS was until reading this post... but now it
makes sense. I really hate the feelings I get... and it's almost
constant these days. Sometimes I feel like scratching it like mad to
try and make it go away, but then it's hard to reach the middle of
your back! I think I'll rename it RBS - Restless Body Syndrome -
since we all get it in different places!

I have just pictured in my mind a bunch of RA patients shaking
themselves while walking down the street! You gotta laugh! I was wondering what was going on when I had that feeling like something was crawling on me. I get it on my feet/ankles. I've been checking the floor to see if there's a bug crawling around. Now I know, thanks.

   MarisaI have the same thing. I get it alot in different spots on my body. It really feels like something is crawling on me.  I've learned to hold still and wait. If it doesn't move it is the weird thing, if it moves, its a bug, maybe a spider

Sometimes I lay on my stomach with a pillow under my pelvis and rock my legs back and forth for ages.  Sort of until I get a bit of a buzzy feeling which over-rides the need to move them voluntarily or have them jerk on their own.

Drives my poor hubby nuts.

Makes for a great night's sleep.  NOT!!!

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