Palindromic rheumatism | Arthritis Information


Does anyone out there have Palindromic Rheumatism?  Seems to be rare and I can't find much information.  I have been living with PR for the last 20 years with long time periods between flare ups and I took nothing more that Tylenol (which didn't help).  However, the last 6 months have been really hard and my hands and feet have frequent flares.  I went to a Rheumatoligist and was prescribed an anti-malarial drug (Hydroxychlorq).  Anyone know anything about this drug and its side-affects?


Yes, I also have PR.  I used to have long periods of remission, but not anymore.  My pain goes from one joint to another, usually on a daily basis.  All of my RA labs are high.  I was on Arava but couldn't tolerate it (stomach/intestinal pain).  Now I take Motrin when needed.  I also have Prednisone paks for when the pain is really bad.  Dr. says he will try other DMARDS when xrays begin to show some erosion.  I really don't want to take anything daily as of yet.  I want to save my options for when I really need it.

My Rheumatologist thinks I have RA but I think my symptoms sound more like PR.

I take Hydroxychloroquine.  It's the generic for Plaquenil.  I was pretty nauseous the first week or two, but that went away.  I tolerate it very well now and it helped a lot until I tried to cut back to a "maintenance" dosage.

You have to make sure you get eye exams.  My eye doctor says every year for the first four years and then every six months after that for as long as I'm on the drug.

Hi and Welcome!   Have you seen this site?  It looks like it has a lot of information...

I just started the Plaquenil for RA, as the first DMARD of choice.  I haven't noticed any change as of yet, not sure I'm going to, it's been six weeks.  The most common side effects are nausea and stomach pain.  I've heard and read that hair thinning could be a problem.  The one side effect I do have is the sensitivity to the sun, even five minutes in the sun, I start to itch horribly.   As kweenb said also, eyes can be effected, so make sure you see the Opthamologist as recommended. 

I was told that my RA is palindromic because it moves from joint to joint on a daily basis. I am now on Enbril 50 mg per week, Planquenil 400mg per day and I am completely OFF prednisone YEAH!!!!

I am now battling the 40 lb weight gain from the Prednisone.

I have little to no pain since I have been stabilized on these meds. Good luck to you
