Can anyone help? | Arthritis Information


Sorry I have not written for a couple of weeks but I have been in hospital..  Does anyone have any experience with nerve root sleeve injections?  I have had facet joint block injections in my Tspine and did not have to stay in hospital for these but my Rheumy wants me to be admitted for the nerve root sleeve injections?  Any info would be gratefully appreciated, many thanks, Janie.

Sorry Jane -

Never even heard of it....I've had morphine injected into my spine but that's about it.  Have you searched the web for info on it?

Sorry, I'm not much help.  But my prayers and thoughts are with you.


Janie,  What is going on?  I have not heard of a nerve stem test but why were you in hospital?  I am getting a "nerve test" but I do not think it is the same thing.  Please let us know how you are doing.  Wishing you well.  Roxanne

Hi Janie!

Glad you have returned!  I am sorry to tell you that I do not know about this, either. 

Take good care!


That is just awful. My daughter has extreme pain and sees a pain specialist, but they certainly have never treated her like this. With your medical history, they should have never had you doing all this on the same day. They sound like total crackpots.

I'm not familar with the injections. But this site has a lot of good information on it: www.

My daughter is on some heavy meds. We even considered going through some kind of detox because the meds really make her tired. But when I talked to the detox center, they said that it would not do any good as long as there was real pain going on. Her physicatrist said the same thing.

There are a lot of ways to treat pain, but what you just went through is irreprehensible in that it did not take into consideration any of your real medical problems. Not all pain centers are like that.

I would be inclined to go with your Rheumy's recommendations for the time being and get some of your pain under control. Then, I would start looking for as much answers as you can find.

Ask a lot of questions here as different people have found solutions. The same solutions do not work for each of us.

I am really sorry to hear about what a terrible experience that you have had. Those people should be shot.

