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Wow, I slept almost the whole day yesterday.  I did not realize I was so tired but I had not left the house in over two weeks, packing, packing, packing.  Now I have helpers and the sleep yesterday was great.  I feel so much better.  I think about new house when sleeping and awake.  I am so excited.  Four days and we will spend our first night in it.   I can't speak for everyone Roxy, but I am tickled pink to be going along!
Glad you are feeling better.  We all know that R&R is the answer, but sometimes we forget? 

Take care Roxy
Luv, N & T
Oh Gosh how I love a day like that. To have nothing on my agenda but some "me" time to sleep. I really find it rejuvenating! Just to be able to sleep, undisturbed. Aaaah = love it. Take care.

Hey Roxy!

Glad you have had some time to rest!  It can make quite a difference, as Nowandthen and honey have found, too!

I am just getting up from a nap!  I am sooooo tired!  We have been doing the "real estate" touring thing for a few weeks now!  You know how that can be!

We have found the place we think we want.  The owner had let us do a complete ispection before making an offer, which can be quite unusual.  We had spent the entire week on that property.  Touring, getting the loan ready, negotiating with the owner, getting the attorney ready , researching the property history, as far a zoning and permitting go, etc.

Did the big 3 hour inspection with my uncle yesterday.  He is a real estate broker, a builder, a plumber, an electrician and has approx. 64 units he rents out (landlord).  He went through it with us as a favor.  We are looking at a multi-family.

I am sooo tired after this week!  The current "owner" wants to start negotiating on Sunday.!  Sunday is my husband's first day off from work.  He wants a break, too.  We reserve Sundays for rest!

I am starting to rmable "OT!"  Yes, you ladies are sooo right!  Nothing compares to sleep when it comes to "recovery!"


Hopeful,  You will have to share pics of your new house.  Is it in the same town?  It is so much easier to move in the same town, I don't know what I dread more, loading stuff or the drive then having to unload.  I CAN tell - this is my last home.  It is good I love it so much.  Day2 of taking it easy - got my Enbrel today after two weeks off of it.  I just have to rest -  my body is feeling so fragile.  I think it is going to take me months to unpack

I do not think I will ever be able to share that picture!  We had received some mor einformation today... figures and "verifications," (or lack thereof).  This was "stuff" the owners kept "forgetting, or kept forgetting to bring, or had kept forgetting to fax, or... (much like "the dog had eaten it" type of a thing).  Hmmm... once all of the truths were out...and calculated in...we have now decided to drop out of the "deal!"  We will not make any offer at this time.  We were both in "shock" briefly, as I'd looked over the documents.  We were VERY misled!

We did have our hearts set on it for a few days...a beautiful, huge Victorian, built in approx. 1900!  Lovely!  (It is actually just two miles from our current home.)   A beautiful and large "carriage house , 2 story, out in the back), a widow's walk on the very top of the roof!

 We have "given it up" and really are a bit shocked the owners had misrepresented so much.  They were both very bright, so they likely knew what they were doing.  We would not let this go through without documents/verification in total!  If all was as they had represented it, over and over, this was a dine deal.  The documentation paints a very different picutre!  No can do!  Too much involved to "roll the dice on this one!"

We both feel a bit relieved now that we are over the initial "shock!"  This isthe second time property owners have been further researched and have been found to be giving us false documentation, etc.  Hmmmm... what is going on with people?  I could never do that, or so I currently believe!

At least we'd found it all out...just 48 hours...before we actually were going to start negotiating our offer!  We were definitely buying, too!  that was too close!  We are not looking at real estate anymore in the near future.  We are very tired of it!

So glad yo have the home you have wanted!  Wonderful!

Take care Roxy!



Hopeful,  I don't blame you for taking a break.  It is an amazing effort and tenacity to find a home you love.  It is still scary until we move in and hope all is in good working order.  Hubby has been packing like crazy today.  What a relief.  I have pretty much taken it easy, packed a couple boxes.  I feel like I need to rest up for our trip next week.  So far, I have not once taken that trip and not flared.  This one we have to go up and turn around come back the next day and go up again.  I get tired just thinking about it.

I am glad you found out about the sellers dishonesty just in time.  Buying a house is SCARY

 have to say - a widow's walk would be sooooooooooo cool. Hi Roxy, so glad all is going well, our prayers are answered, keep up the good work, love Janie.

Roxy, is there anyway you could spend the night somewhere and then make the trip back?

