Another diagnosis????? | Arthritis Information


Hi again everyone, its real great to hang around these boards, they are so informative.  Just wondered if anyone experiences the following?

I have had really sharp nerve pain in between elbow and shoulder muscle(bicep, I guess), its almost like sciatic pain, its similar to the pain I get in my ribs, my ribs are so sore to touch, it even hurts under where my boobs rest, the whole rib cage is tender to touch, anyhow my Drs have said for a long time that they think it is fibromyalgia and costochondritis,  but it is the same treatment as my RA etc.  I find that it hurts even if I am not moving it?  Thanks everybody, love Janie.
I get a sharp shooting pain in my shoulder. BEfore my diagnosis I'd have a day or two where I couldn't use one of my arms because of it. It's a very sharp pain. I'd have to drive with either my arm resting in my lap or I'd have to lift my arm with my other hand and rest the hand on the steering wheel. Since meds it has improved greatly.Nope, that has never happened to me (knock wood). So far, my RA is confined to my feet and hands, with just twinges in my knees and elbows. I'm hoping it stays there, thank you very much. But I know several people have a lot of trouble with arms and shoulders. I'm sure they'll weigh in. It sure could be RA pain. My RD said the pain I feel in my arm is referred from the nerves in my hands and wrists.

Jane, it is a possibility that it could be tendonitis in that area. Push your doc to examine it closer. You should get both a x-ray and a MRI. The MRI will show if there is any soft tissue damage.

You can just live with this pain, but it tends to make you use that shoulder less and less. This can eventually lead to shoulder impingement. If there is a problem, they can probably treat it very easy at this stage with physical therapy.

I'm curious, is it also somewhat swollen in the area that hurts. This is an indictator of some kind of muscle inflammation like tendonitis and bursitis. There is also the possibility that inflammation somewhere else is actually causing some nerve compression.

I don't think you should ignore this. You should bring it up your next visit. Note when it happens, whether certain activities make it worse or better, how long it happens, etc.

We can give it the "magic wand" treatment and wish it away. "Swish, sparkle, sparkle." Did it help? No. We just have to find the wand that works. It is so elusive.

Hope it feels better.

But... I like the magic wand treatment, Deanna!

Hi Janiefx! 

Unfortunately, Deanna is correct!  So many answers are so elusive and this fact really stomps all over any illusions I have about one day getting it all figured out!

These friends here have given you great advice!  Pain can be referred upward from your hands and/or downward from your shoulder, for instance.  A doctor and/or physical therapist (some well-educated chiropractors) should be able to assist in finding the source of the pain.

It can be very difficult to figure it out on one's own, unless you are very astute with the locations of tendons, ,etc.

I have chronic bursitis and chronic tendonitis.  I have a "tennis elbow" that will not stop! It has been nagging me for at least 9 months!It refers a greatt deal of places that have little to do with the this specific tendon!   "Pinched nerves," caused by inflammaton and/or muscle spasms are incredibly painful and can be very, very tricky as to where the pain originates.  Inflamed nerves, themselves, that's another tricky one!

I hope you can see a doctor or someone who can help you to identify the source of the pain, which may  help in finding some relief!

Just a general question , if you don't mind:  If you have fibromyalgia, most also have a myofascial pain syndrome.  Have you ever tried a myofascial trigger point release therapy?  It is quite painful initially, yet, ultimately, it frees up/releases the myofascia, resulting in less myofascial tearing (pain) and also frees up the muscles for complete use.  (If not freed up by some form of therapy, and the myofascia is restricted, a major muscle move, a "move" your body has not done in a long time, can tear the myofascia. 

This pain you write about now...I hope it is something temporary and easy to deal with!  Have you discovered the things that help it some and the things that cause more pain?  These are often some of the clues that can assist a doctor in diagnosing the pain it's location and/or its "nature."  (Things like...worse with use or worse without use?  Worse with hot packs or worse with cold  packs?  Worse in the morning?  Worse in the daytime or worse through the night?  Etc.  This can all be very helpful info!)

Please do let us know how you are doing!


hi Jane,

I too have the rib pain and as well in my breastbone. it hurts all the time. Even just to breath. Rheumy said it was probably Fibro or depression. But now I have what feels like another rib forming at the bottom of my rib cage and it hurts so I know that it isn't fibro or dprsion as they don't cause that. I have also gotten the sharp pain in my arm sometimes it was so bad I cried and I know it was actually related to the problems that I have with my shoulder and around shoulder blade in back. It is a horrible thing but mine went away eventually by rubbing shoulder and muscles around blade.

Good Luck, Peace, Tam
