what is the difference??? | Arthritis Information


What is the difference betwee Enbrel and Humira? Is it just different drug companies?? If they do the same thing why change?

I don't know the exact differences. But if you can't take one, they may switch you to the other.

Someone else might know.

I have been on Enbrel for about 3 years...so far my RA is still very active.

Hi Cynthia!

I am sorry to Enbrel has not been helpful to you in three years!  OUCH!

Someone else here may know more about it!?

This is a great question for your doc, too!

I do hope you are able to find some relief soon!

Humira; which I take is made from something within the Human body. Enbrel get it's componates from some sort of animal? I know this sounds crazy and I know I'm not explaining it right.....but there is a difference.

Someone here knows how to explain it because I think this is where I heard this.

Enbrel I believe is made of a protein from mice. That is why some people
can have a reaction to that and be ok on Humira. I may be wrong....I just
remember reading it somewhere.

Beckyi have heard of horses and pigs urine and hormones being used in certain med..didnt know that about the enbrel... cool, like learning stuff like that."Enbrel is a human protein that is designed to mimic the human receptor for TNF. Remicade is a type of molecule called a monoclonal antibody. Remicade is made of part human protein and part mouse protein. Because of this design, co-treatment with methotrexate is required for Remicade. Both of these therapies bind to TNF and render it unable to bind to lymphocytes and other cells.] Unlike Remicade, Humira is an all human protein and does not require methotrexate. "Also Enbrel is  a dimeric fusion protein produced in genetically engineered Chinese hamster ovary'sWell, I knew there was something about mice in there somewhere...Now a
Chinese hamster ovary never came to mind...

Isn't it crazy what they do now? I teach science and still am surprised.



a genetically engineered Chinese hamster's ovary....


I always wondered if Remicade made you crave more cheese.Hmmmm?  Those on Remicade -- do you think Mickey Mouse looks sexy?  Or do you prefer Mighty Mouse's muscles?

Hillhoney, you are a riot!

Ivypoe, if Enbrel has not helped in 3 years, why hasn't your doctor switched you to something else. Enbrel isn't working for me. Remicade did, but I lost my insurance on it. I'm ready for something else, but my doctor wants to wait until my next appointment.

Three years and no relief is just not acceptable when there are alternatives. Go back to your doctor and insist it is time to try something else. If this doctor will not give you a valid reason for not trying something else, then it's time for a second opinion. It's positively cruel to leave you in this stage.

I knew it was something like that!

my doctor wrote me out a scrip for Humira, took it to the PHist and he had to fax the doctor back to verify. ?? Now the doctor has to contact the insurance company to verify. ?? I understand the procedure but why not tell me from the get go what to expect. Grrr protocal... I hate it.

Want to hear something Ironic? I found out during my last appointmet, my doctor has Lupus...Would this hinder her judgment any? Any changes with my treatments have all be by my suggestion, its as if I am the doctor and she is the "OK" middle man.

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