My finger got stuck in one position | Arthritis Information


Today I was putting together some IKEA storage I bought. Lots of screws and stuff.
While I was doing this my finger (Middle finger) moved down towards my palm and got stuck there. The only way I could bring it back was with my other hand . I took my finger and placed it where it should be and then it was O.K.

Boy, That was weird. Never happened before. I think I better tell the Doc tomorrow. Is this part of the disease. For years this has been happening to my toes. But when I stand up on them they go back.

God, This is sounding grimm.   At least it didn't get stuck in a finger up position!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
   My toes do that and I have to reach down and pull them apart. They like to either curl up or point to the side. Hurts when there's not enough room in my shoe's toe box. Chalk one up for RA!

   MarisaOh yes, I have had this happen, but it hasn't happened since my RA has gotten under control, so I definitely associate it with RA.  You might also want to read up on trigger finger.

Take care.
My thumbs will do that from time to time if I am using my hands a lot.  I also have had it happen to my feet.   I found the feet are much more painful though when it happens.   Be sure to mention it to your RD as it may tip them off to something.  Never ignore even something that you may think is little to no concern.   It's usually a sign of something. Hasn't happened to me lately, but it has happened with an elbow and my jaw - but it was years before I was diagnosed. Just a little warning that I completely ignored. hi Thinkthinm this happened to me, same finger and my rheumatologist put a cortisone shot in the tendon at the base of the finger, it hurt like hell, but I haven't had any trouble with that one since, will need to get my thumbs done shortly, make sure you let your doc know as someone else said, as even these little things can tell our Drs a lot, good luck, Janie.

Ah trigger finger.  I did NOT want cortisone and opted for surgery.  No post op pain and went back to work (used my hands a lot) within 2 days.

Of course cortisone works most of the time but I didn't like the idea of a needle in that particular area.  Numb it and fix it!  Of course mine was the middle finger on my right hand.  Guess I wore it out from too much driving ;)

I had a toe do that one time and it really freaked me out!  I guess it is normal for the lot of us. Hey Marisa Sue,
I hope it dosent get stuck in the other diretion. I could lose a few friends that way.Ha Ha
I heard the phrase Trigger finger before but that was from all the cowboy movies I watched when I was a kid. Kool

BarbI had this happen also-definitly trigger finger caused by inflamed tendon at the base of the finger. At times it was very painful snapping it back into position. Later on I couldn't bend it at all. I used to drive with my hand on the steering wheel and my middle finger sticking straight up!

As soon as I started Enbrel it disappeared although sometimes it feels a little tight but still bendable nonetheless