Disability pension | Arthritis Information


HI everyone, I just wanted to put in my little bit to try and stop those of you worrying about spies from the government trying to stop your benefits.

Here in Australia at least, when we apply for disability benefits, we are told to fill in the forms regarding our worst days of RA etc not our better days as the condition FLUCTUATES.  Now for those of you worried about being spied on my DR says it would take a very good lawyer to prove that you weren't entitled to your benefits because you were spied, either out walking the dog, playing with your kids/grandkids, playing golf, doing the groceries without your walker/cane etc and the list goes on, because it is well known in the medical world that the condition FLUCTUATES and just because we are good today doesn't mean we are good tomorrow, but when we are good we are told to make the most of it and try to exercise, play with the kids socialize etc, so please don't fret, once you are granted disability for RA generally you will not need to worry about it being discontinued.  Regards and hugs Janie.


I really, really appreciate you posting this as I am starting the disability process and wonder about just this kind of thing.

It was nice of you to post something like this because the subject has come up.

HI Deanna, try not to worry these benefits are put in place for people like us and it is hard to get as people do the wrong thing sometimes when they are not entitled, just get all the backup they ask for from your Docs and you should have nothing to worry about, you are sicki, you are entitled do not feel bad.  Good luck, love Janie i really worry about this kind of thing...I have a neighbor who just loves stirring up trouble. I worry every day if she is going to get a hair up her A** and call someone because she sees me weeding my garden. She mentioned to me once how she hates to see people living off the government with out cause. What she needs to do is come inside and watch me wake up every morning, get up off the sofa and slowly creep my way into the other rooms. I know I am legal, I am just afraid she will start something and add to my misery. Ivypoe, with a neighbor like that I'd try to keep the disability insurance issues to myself. Sounds like a nosy so and so with nothing better to do than keep track of the neighborhood. Good luck with that, I can understand your worry. Too bad people like that can't experience just an hour of what it's like to be in RA pain.Hi All,
This has been by far the worst year for me with this disease. I don't feel like I'm being taken seriously by my doc. On one hand he outright dismissed my swelling in my fingers, and the very next appointment said that it was "very bad". Meanwhile, I'm having so much trouble continuing to work. I don't feel like he will support my disability stuff. Anybody else have the same kind of stuff? Can I still get help if the doc isn't my advocate? I understand that once we find the "right" meds I'll (hopefully) feel better, but until then I need him to try to help with the symptoms.


One of the suggestions that I was given is to get him to say that you cannot work for over a year to 18 months. That's an easier bite for them to handle.

But the real problem is that you are not getting better. I think maybe you need to have a heart-to-heart with your doctor and ask him frankly what his treatment plan is for you, if he has one. Since you've already failed several things, he should still have other things in mind. If not, then you might want to get a second opinion about your condition.

Whatever you do, don't accept the condition that you are in now as the only alternative. Keep trying. I finally had to go on disability. I'm just starting the process. I just kept telling my doctor all the stuff I couldn't do. They first put me on a work from home, then a don't work for 6 weeks. He wanted to put me on a no work for 2 months and I told him no way because financially I could not survive and I'm tired of all this.

It was a very tough decision for me and I know what you mean about needing his support. But fight for what you need. Get yourself in that office often enough and plague them with calls until they start to listen.


Thank you so much. It feels like the only people who understand are you guys here on the board. My ex keeps saying things like "well, tell your job you don't do waxing" I'm a facialist but that's 75% of my job. The pain is one thing, he can't even understand the fatigue that goes along with it. I'm only on my 6th shot of Enbrel, hopefully it's going to help. But it never occurred to me to ask for a treatment plan. Great idea.

You doc might balk at the idea. But really, you need to know what he has in mind. Tell him that you need this to get through the days. You need to be really clear on how much RA is keeping you from doing things.

Another option to consider is Vocational Rehab. They can help you get the training for another kind of job that is not so hard to deal with. This can even include help with college. I would thing that waxing would be very hard on your hands.

It might be worth looking into. Is there something else you have always dreamed of doing?

gosh...took me awhile to answer this...sure, there are tons of things I'd love to do, but right now I can't hardly think past getting my kids through my divorce and getting my stupid meds right...Didn't mean to make it sound all doom and gloom...there's joy too, but dreams will have to wait a little bit until I'm "together" again, you know? My doc called me back today and wants me to try Pred. starting 20mg's and scaling back from there....hopefully it won't cause a host of other problems....on the other hand, lots of people itched when they started Enbrel and I didn't have that at all.Yeah, I do know what you are talking about. You are in survival mode. And that is probably making your symptoms worse. Hang in there. You'll make it.you guys rock...the people on this board are like a beacon in a storm to me..I turn to you guys before anyone now...we really are a strange little club of weird maladies...Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! love kimOh yes, the disability nightmare! First,I had a so called dr. that wouldn't help me with my ssd,so I switched doctors and this one sent me to a rhumy,who said it was definately ra, and now I take a dozen meds every day..except on wednesdays..then it's 16 pills. I live in Indiana and ssd is soooo backed up. So now my lawyer is going for a hardship hearing, because my hubby was off work (with no pay) for a month. He couldn't take a layoff,because then I wouldn't have any insurance for my meds and doctor appts. One of the side effects of my meds (methotrexate,prednisone,hydroxichloriquine,folic acid) is diarrea...sooo. guess what happened on the way to my lawyer appointment !? I told him that maybe I could work for social security disability and I could put my dirty Depends in THEIR trash!!! I don't know what kind of job these people expect me to do , when most days I can hardly manage at home. You have to wonder,just how many people have taken their own lives, waiting on these morons to make their determination. It is soooo frustrating !!! Just glad I have a place to vent on this forum. It helps to know that I am not alone with this unforgiving disease.
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