Fatigue......so tired!!!! | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have problems with fatigue? I dont everyday but some days like today, I got so tired while I was out shopping, I actually got dizzy and felt really strange. Any ideas on how to cope with it? Like I said, it isnt everyday but when it hits...WOW.



Try...even while you are shopping...find a quick seat.  Rest for about 10 minutes...it helps.  Also, plan your shopping trips...try not to get everything done in one day.  If you can go without some items until your energy is up...then do it. Or...if you know that friends maybe going to a sale at the store...see if they can pick up your few items.  Saves you from having to go out and deal with the crowds and traffic.

If you can...nap.  a small nap does the trick.  I take a small nap either in the break room at work or in my car.  I feel more refreshed throughout my day when i do.  Especially when my fatique is bad.

Also...when you are at home...try putting on some sootheing music or music you like...kick you feet up and relax.  or even take a bath or hot shower...then kick your feet up and just relax.

Hope this helps some...Roblyn

What helped me most in the long run was forcing myself to get some exercise. Short walks, back to the treadmill at the gym. The first day back, all I could do was walk slowly around the track a few times. My husband walked with me - wasn't that sweet! And mostly, I've just adjusted to not doing everything in one day. Kind of nice to be forced to slow down a bit.

Good luck with finding a way to feel better.



I too have sever fatigue too.   I can't believe how tired I am ALL the time.   I constantly have to push and push myself just to get dressed most days.   And there are a LOT of days that is all that I do.   Get dressed so that my hubby doesn't come home to a ill looking person everyday.   I try very hard to at least do something with my hair and put some face on and at least a clean pair of sweats.   ;o)  

Remember, "Inch by Inch it's a Cinch".   :o)

It is so overwhelming to feel so tired-this is the worst yet. All I want to do is go to bed and I cant because I have children I have to take care of. I like the napping idea-I might be able to do that once in a while-and exercising  is good but I feel so tired afterwards-any suggestions to help with the exercising? Thanks!!!!Hi Susan, I know exactly how you are feeling, how are your sleeps at night, are they disturbed, not fulfilling, too much pain, this is your first step to take, try and get a good nights sleep, even if it means going to bed early with your kids.  As for the exercise, I find that if I try and do it when my meds are just kicking in, I can manage it better and although it tires you out initially, as your level of fitness improves the fatigue improves.  Napping is ok but I find I pace myself now and maybe make the beds, get the breakfasts then sit down for 20 mins, then get up again, do a little bit more and then take another 20 mminute break, (read a book, or do a crossword or something,) this really does help my fatigue.  I don't know how your'e weight is but since I have gained so much on steroids and other drugs, I have developed sleep apneoa, so that in itself contributes greatly to fatigue, so if this is a possibility, get this checked too.  Hope this helps, good luck, regards Janie.  

Hi Susan

Jane gave you great advice re the exercise: do it when your pain is at its least and do something you enjoy. I've been in a flare now for 18 months and have managed to keep exercising (using a staionary bike) right through, every 2nd day. The arthritis is in my hip, knees and lower back.

It sounds so illogical, but exercising is good for maintaining your joints' mobility, your joints' supporting muscles and for your energy levels.

Just don't overdo it


Oh my Gosh! The fatigue is totally dibilitating some days. The last few have been really hard. Friday's I do my Enbrel injections though and I can run a marathon that day. I'm so tired today. Raining out, that doesn't help either. needless to say, today i got up, got dressed and am back in bed w/my laptop.

I hate the fatigue. I can plan, and then the fatigue shuts me down. It depends on the level of the fatigue with how I deal with it. If it is the I can't hardly even breathe fatigue, I have no choice but to nap. How you do this while raising children, I'm not sure.

If it is just a general feeling of fatigue, I do quiet things until I feel better. When I have energy, I get real ansy to do things. I always have a list going of all the things I want to do.

I find exercising easier to do every other day, because every day seems to flare something. I think if I can get into the routine and a bit more built up, I can advance to every day.

I only plan one trip out a day now and try to keep it under an hour. I don't go anywhere that I have to walk a lot. I used to go, go, go all the time dragging the kids behind me until they begged for me to stop.

Not, any more. I can't even sit through the movies or sit through them going to the mall. That's not much fun. But part of that is from the pain it causes in my spine and my legs.

Pain adds to fatigue. It is amazing how much energy it takes just to be tired. But if you can rest, you will help you body help and bounce back up to normal. They say it is finding the balance between the two, rest and exercise. That is the art of surviving this.

Thanks for all the advice!! I used to be on the go all the time but the last few weeks I am slowing down-I hate it! I love to shop but even that takes so much energy. I hope this doesnt last too long! See the doc on Thursday. Hopefully he will have some idea what to do. Thanks everyone!!!!My kids tell their friends they're on a new diet - "The mom won't go to the store diet"! That's hysterical! As I lay here in bed w/no milk in the fridge!
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