Can RA symptoms cause sprains? | Arthritis Information


I woke up this morning and I still cannot move my wrist-very painful and the fingers are very sore.  Usually by now the syptoms are gone after prednisone.  This is new for me.  Two nights ago I was in a major flare up for my experience- hands, wrists, knees, hips.  Not super noticeable swelling, just pain and stiffness.  I was sleeping and I woke up trying to flick an insect off of my face.  It caused excruciating pain in my right wrist.  I finally got the pred injection the next day.  I had always taken pred orally before and it took away ALL the symptoms for about a month.  Anyway, my right wrist still does not work.  It feels like a sprain.  I have sprained many body parts over the years on my adventures.  Anyway, I am a park ranger and I return to work tomorrow.  This sounds stupid but I have to open ten heavy gates on my patrol.  I do not know if I can do the locks.  I am going to start mtx on Monday after work I think as I have Tuesday off.  Thank you all for your feedback.

I'm glad to hear you're going to go ahead with the shouldn't delay your treatment any further.

I persoanlly doubt it's a sprain....just all related to RA. It can be you're finding out.

Oh; and by the me when I say none of us think your stupid for not being able to open these heavy gates. You're talking to a bunch of folks that at times have trouble holding a tooth brush. We all know very well what a struggle even simple everyday activities can be when you have RA.

Hang in there Roxy.

Hi Roxy,

The RA is the cause of the pain and swelling, its not a real sprain, although it acts like one. I have woke up in the morning and went to get out of bed, only to have an ankle act like it was severely sprained and I know that I have done nothing to the ankle. Also there is no bruising like a regular sprain. The night before it was perfectly fine.

Buy an over-the-counter wrist splint to wear at work. This will give you some support and hopefully help a little with the pain. They are better than an ace, they offer more support, especially the ones with the plastic inserts. I hope this will help.

I'm also glad you have opted to try the MTX. It can stop the progression of the RA, saving you from permanent damage. The sooner its started the better. I'll be rooting for you.

Good luck to you and keep us posted.


It was awful. I still felt like I had a sprain for like 3 days after the pain subsided.



Next time try ice on the area that is swollen and hurting. It willl help with the swelling and also gives some pain relief. Same treatment you use with a real spain.
