new to board, old to RA | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone! I was so excited when I found this forum because
it made me feel like I am not all alone! I am a 23 year old with
JRA and fibro since age 10, and undif. spondyl. (doc thinks AS)
and asthma on the side. I had a pretty bad time and was in a
wheelchair in middle school, but have had only minor flares
since then----until June. Everything came back with a
vengeance. To top it all off, I moved to GA, a 14 hour drive from
my trusted rheumy and family. I can't sleep b/c of pain, and I am
exhausted all the time. I decided to resign my teaching job last
month(a very difficult decision, but how could I teach when
going to the store takes everything I've got?), now the school
district is trying to freeze my certificate for a year to punish me. I
have to drive 1.5 hours to my new rheumy, who put me on
40mg of pred, (now I'm on 10mg with azulfidine). My husband
of 1 year has never seen me anywhere near this bad, and
doesn't know how to deal when he finds me on the floor in the
shower sobbing from pain. He is also in the Air Force and
travels all the time. So I am all alone in a new state, new doctor,
with no support (not anyone who understands, anyway).
Needless to say, this is the best outlet for me. Sorry this was all
so negative, but we all know how helpful it is to vent to people
who understand. I promise next time I will be more cheerful!
Thanks for listening!