RA jump from joint to joint? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone here have RA that seems to jump from joint to joint all day long-My fingers will start to ache, then after a bit, they stop and my ankles will ache. Or my jaw will ache and then stop and my elbows will start. There is no rhyme or reason to it...it just happens that that all day long.Anyone else here have this? Thank so much!!


Susan, I haven't gotten a diagnosis other than OA yet, but that describes exactly what is happening to me.  One day my wrists hurt so bad I'm sure I have carpal tunnel, the next day they are fine and my knees and toes hurt!

Recently my ankles are swelling up, but they don't really hurt very much.  Other areas that hurt a lot show no outward signs of inflammation.  Weird stuff.
I agree-really weird stuff- I havent been diagnosed yet-I see the RD tomorrow with all my tests results-He said before the tests it was either RA or OA- we will see tomorrow!I have the dx of Palindromic RA and it travels around like that. Until recently I would also have no swelling. Weird isnt it?hi Susan, i too have ra that jumps from place to place. Now, let me first say that since I started the Enbrel (just did my 9th injection) my pain has greatly decreased - thankfully. One day though, my fingers will hurt, one day my shoulder, another day my hip, one day my knee will hurt so badly that I can't walk down my stairs in the morning. The pain since I started the ENbrel though is no where near where it was this spring. There were days and nights where I'd sit on the couch and just sob in pain. No one understands unless they're actually experiencing it and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I hope I've helped you.

Hi Susan

I think RA goes wherever it damn well pleases! 

Another Susan

Thanks for all your input-Susan, I think you are right-it goes wherever it damn well pleases-I appreciate everyones contributioon to my question!


My sister's father in law is a leading R.A. researcher and a practicing doc and med sch teacher. He told me that this traveling RA is called "Palindromic". He told me that it usually means the RA is less severe. I wanted to hurt him when he told me that. I had been in so much pain for weeks before that. My "flares" didn't stop until I added the Enbril. I am still stiff and have some pain but not the debilitating flares. I couldn't lift my arms up to dress myself. It was very humbling.



I hate hearing things like, if you are sero neg the RA is less severe or if your RA progresses gradually it is not as bad...who the hell comes up with that stuff anyways? Certainly not people who actually have RA. They may mean well, and think they are speaking scientifically but we know from experience!Mine travels and always has. It is a systemic disease, meaning it affects all systems in our body. By it's very nature, it is going to affect more than one area over time. I read a really funny one that sums me up most days...
'YOU MAY HAVE RA IF YOU DON'T KNOW FROM ONE MORNING TO THE NEXT IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE LEFT HANDED OR RIGHT HANDED THAT DAY'... something like that, it stuck in my mind because it was exactly true for me...My ra has been so roving that originally I was diagnosed with bursitis, tennis elbow, runner's knee, TMJ, etc. Every few days there were different joints involved.  I also have fibromyalgia and that can go along with other autoimmune diseases and make you hurt many different places. It's enough to make you crazy.Its like play russion roulette,you don't know where or when its going to hurtI was initially diagnosed with palindromic arthritis and then finally diagnosed with RA after giving birth to my first child. It was like the pain wouldn't settle in one joint. I do have to say that I think the pain was substantially worse and the damage potential greater after I developed full blown RA.

My doc had told me that palindromic arthritis could develop into either RA or lupus. I feel fortunate I got RA.
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