Is this OA of the Hands? | Arthritis Information


Within 2 weeks, my hands went from being normal, to having reddeneded tiny lumps at the fingertips. My knuckles are swollen. They look wrinkly and blood vessels are protruding outward. My fingers become quite reddened with any activity and they hurt at times.
Does this sound like OA?
With OA being a "Wear and Tear" disease, I would think it would progressively occur. This came on fast.
I am in the process of getting a second opinion with a rheume.
This seems more like an inflamatory disease.

Can OA really present like this?

You're right about thinking of the possibility of a inflammatory disease. OA is a "wear and tear" type of arthritis. It doesn't come on rapidly with symptoms like you have had. Its good that you are going to a Rheu... Hopefully you'll  get some relief soon. Good luck.
