neurologist + pain clinic refferal | Arthritis Information


Well the results from the Xrays and MRI came back today. I have bulging between 3/4 (Lower lombar)with narrowing of the spinal column. The rheumy said there is nerve involvement. I guess Rome was too much. Now I am getting a referral to a neurologist and possibly a pain clinic. Can anyone ttell me what to expect next? I only have 40% ability to lift my legs and bend my back. Oh yeah, I have to start my new job on Monday.

Oh Linda, that's positively awful. The neurologist is going to be looking for ways to first access how much nerve involvement there is. Then, they are either going to send you to PT or suggest possible surgery. The other option might be cortisone shots (which can really help).

The pain specialist is to help you learn how to deal with the pain. But be careful, there are good ones and bad ones. Some want to just dope you up with narcotics (which may be necessary but I'd want other alternatives first) or they try and teach you alternatives for dealing with pain that don't take into account your medical condition.

I've seen people have really good results and bad results. So, you want to ask lots of questions. Maybe post a topic just about pain clinics here and on some of the other boards.

It may be that if PT is an option, you will be able to regain your ability to lift your legs and bend. If they offer you that, do try to go the best one your insurance will cover. PT has helped me a lot.

Really sorry you have this to deal with too.  You know, Linda, sometimes a job has to be set aside or delayed in order to take care of yourself. If that is the case, then give yourself permission to accept it. You that I have had to make that decision and you just keep getting piled on.

Maybe they could just get someone to take on your class for the first week so that you can sort some of this out.

Thanks for the good information Deanna. I've had disk problems for years but I've always been able to bounce back with PT and sometimes cortisone shots. The funny thing is, my back is not giving me that much trouble. It's the inability to walk fast or lift my legs. The pain is in my hips and legs.I can walk for short distances if I take small steps and don't hurry. I think this disk thing has been going on for so long that I'm kind of used to my limitations. The rheumy said that surgery was way down the line. I don't know if that means its eventually inevitable, or that it means  I can still avoid it altogether. I get to talk to my primary before I go through this whole proceedure and he's the one who has to refer me. I think I'll try to get out of the pain clinic part and see if I can get PT again instead. As always I very much appreciate your very informative answers. Maybe you can become an online  professional medical consultant once your disability goes through. You sure know your stuff.

Linda, I really think you have a good chance with the PT. I think Rome flared it all up and brought the problem to the surface. PT is usually the preferred treatment. Surgery is the last resort and is not always that effective.

If you can get into a place that has the water therapy that would be really great. It is the most gentle way to rebuild. Our muscles forget how to work right when they are compensating. Plus, the place I went also did the leg massage. They can use a lot of things to help you. My insurance didn't cover it worth a hoot, so I paid for it out of my own pocket. I'm really glad it worked out that way because insurance companies tend to  only may enough to get you minimally better.

Each time you've run through your authorized visits, get your doctor to right for more. Your PT can request this. They can use the water therapy to get your limbs moving again. Then they put you on a massage table and work out all the tendonitis and bursitis that you probably don't even know you have. These develop because your legs muscles haven't been working right and can really affect how well you can move them. I couldn't put my left foot down flat when they started. Now, it's a distant memory.

Then, if you can keep going with the PT, they will add small weights to your legs and the exercise ball which is a lot of fun.

It takes a lot of work, but the results, getting your abilities back are well worth it.

And, don't be afraid to take the pain killers if you need them.

When you start teaching, be prepared for ways to rest while in the classroom. Plan it into the day right along with your lesson plans.

I know you are going to get better. I think Rome just did you in and now you're going to fix that.

If the PT is too painful to do and doesn't work, the pain clinic will still be waiting for you. I agree with your doc, surgery is a long way away even in consideration. You probably won't ever need it.

Oh Goodness!! Hope things work out for you. I don't have much experience with either of those things; but I could very well have those problems one day myself. MRI reveals bulging disk for me as well. At times it's horrible.....but like you mentioned I'll bounce back and only have achey type problems. Hope you find a solution to your problems soon.

Hang in there.

Thanks Deanna and Lovie,

I'm really reluctant to do the epidural right away especially since I have to drive 40 miles each way to go to the pain clinic since our insurance won't pay for our local hospital. This on top of trying to start a new job this week. I'm actually not in a lot of pain, at least not any more than I'm used to. It's just that my legs get tired when I walk too much and give out. I have to wait for preauthorization anyway so I'm going to stall a bit and see if I can talk to the doctor about PT. Thanks to you both for your caring and expertise. You can't believe what a difference it makes in my life. Deanna, I really think you can find a niche with your medical knowhow and wonderful way with words.


     I agree with Deanna's help. She knows her stuff and takes alot of her own time to help on this board along with everyone else. The support is very helpful and you know you aren't alone in this.

     I also have back problems. I have herniated disc's 3&4 lumbar and S1 and 4&5 cervical. I go to a very good pain clinic in town. The DR seems to think my pain is from the facet joints. He wants to inject as a diagnostic procedure and if it helps he will cauterize the nerves. I have put it off as I don't like things like this but I've decided to go for it as it keeps me from doing the things I like to do. I have the first procedure done OCT 5 and if it helps I don't know when they will do the other. They are very busy. I take vicodine and flexeril when needed. I went for a massage yesterday and thought it was still 45.00 and it went up to 60.00 I about flipped. She is good but WOW. She gives a pretty hard one which I like but boy this time I am soooo sore and achy. She used hot stones along with the regular massage. They felt good. Anyway you look at it back pain and RA pain sucks

Do you have OA in addition to the RA? When I saw the rheumy she said the back problem was not RA but I think the two affect each other. I am interested in the injection proceedure  you mentioned. Is that a diagnostic tool or an epidural for pain relief, or both? I have had mixed reactions to massage. Because I also have fibromyalgia, I am very sensitive to them. The hot stones sound good. 


    They will inject the facet joints with an analgesic like novacaine, if I get relief from the pain they will then put me to sleep and burn the nerve or nerves near the facets. If you google facet joints there are sites on the procedure. I am nervous about having it done but I have to try something. The nerve can grow back in time possibly in a year or so.

     I too have fibro but massages never bothered me. This one was rough. If you have facet problems it usaully hurts when you bend forward or backward and turn at the same time.

      I have never been told that I have OA. I personally think most people my age with or without RA have some OA. I'm 53.

       My pain clinic DR said, RA affects the facet joints big time. I was real pleased to hear that.


Pat, What are facet joints? Is the injection you're contemplating the same as an epidural? I'm 60 and I'm sure age is contributing to my OA, but I've had OA since 30 so I still think there is some connection between the OA and RA.

There is a connection between OA and RA. The orthopedic surgeon explained it to me. Ironically, my RA doc wouldn't. The ortho said that the inflammation breaks down the surface of the bone and sets you up for OA. Then the OA just does it's job. I actually show very little RA in the MRIs, but lots of OA.

RA also weakens your tendons and muscles, adding to the problem.

Pat, I understand about trying to get some place to exercise and work. I could do it when work was closer, but then they moved. An hour drive took out the time I needed and it cost me. Now, I'm not able to work, but I can go exercise. Life is so ironic.

You might see if there is one close to work, on the way home from work, etc.


There is a connection between OA and RA. The orthopedic surgeon explained it to me. Ironically, my RA doc wouldn't. The ortho said that the inflammation breaks down the surface of the bone and sets you up for OA. Then the OA just does it's job. I actually show very little RA in the MRIs, but lots of OA.


Well said.

      I go right by the YWCA after work. I have to check out the times for swimming. I can't really swim but I can exercise. I have to get motivated. I have one day a week off other than Sunday and they aren't open on Sunday. I'll figure something out.


      No,What I am having done is not the same as an epidural. They don't inject into the epidural space.The first injection is for diagnosis only. The actual treatment is called Lumbar Medial Branch Denervation. Which is basically a nerve block. They destroy the nerve useing a heated probe. I will be put to sleep with that. It is hard to explain facet joints here. If you look at your spine there are  bones on each side that stick out They slide on top of each other. If you have had an injury or herniated discs etc this can effect these so they put preassure on the nerves when you turn, bend over and turn or bend back and turn. I do alot of turning and bending at work and I think I have irratated the nerves. Try this site They explain the procedure and show the facet joints. I hope this has helped. Pat


Linda~I 've had a horrible time with my back. I had a ton of x-rays done in my RD's office. When he called to tell me the results he told me I had DDD, OA and spina bifida occulta. He wanted me to see a ortopedic spine specialist. As soon as he looked at my x-rays he said "You don't have OA; you have RA." He wanted to do an MRI to see further.

The results seem to support what he was saying in his opinion. When I took the results to my RD he agreed and said my RA treatment would help; but not always. There would be times when this Buldging disk would act up and that would not be helped my those meds.

I think I could see 7 different doctors and get several different opinions. As of now I go on what my RD thinks is right and hope I'm doing the right thing.

I can not imagine going through daily life with my back as bad as it's been at certain times in my life. Actually about 3 times a year I do something and all of the sudden I can barely move! Often it's something very small that casues it. Not nessesarily something heavy that you might expect. I've done it countless times drying my hair upside down. I bend over to dry my hair and the next thing I'm on my knees screaming. Very sudden and very scary. Once; a month after I married my husband, I stepped one foot out of the shower and my back went out. I layed there with one foot out and one foot in literly stuck in the most embassasing position as I called for my new husband to help me.  (Talk about starting a marriage off right

Luckily for me those times seem to pass pretty quickly and are few and far between.

I hope you find a solution to your problems soon. Keep us updated because this is a subject that hits close to home for many of us.

Linda-so sorry you are having these problems and
also trying to get ready for a new job. I haven't been
to a pain clinic so don't have any info for you on that.
I did have bulging discs and a herniated disc several
years ago. I had surgery for the herniated and pt for
the bugling. Really good results with both.

Hope you're feeling better soon!   
