back from the doc’s office | Arthritis Information


had bastian's visit with the ped. today.  he took me seriously!!!  said he sees no swelling but that doesn't nescessarily mean anything.  then he looked at me like i was crazy for grinning.  i said that i well understood the swelling/no swelling thing as mine was never very visible.  he also did labs and said that a negative doesn't mean all is well but at least we've done the labs.  he is also sending bastian to a ped. orthopedist before he sends him to a ped rheumy.  he knows the rheumy will take months to get him in anyway and will also want more than just leg pain to go on.  basically the rheumy only wants to see patients who have had everything else ruled out!  so we had the blood work done today.  i explained it to bastian before we even got to the hospital and then i held him.  because of his age, they had the lady drawing blood plus another one to hold his arm still while i held the rest of him still.  not needed at all.  he barely tensed when she stuck him. not a sound came out of him either.  they were all amazed at him being three and doing so well.
so now we wait on labs and the ortho appt. 
hugs, wayney

Glad to hear the appointment went so well. Hope they figure out why his knees hurt.

And your son is very brave! I know I tense up and whine just before they stick I even try to talk them out of sticking can I pee in a cup for this??

My daughter when she was about 4 she kept getting the stomach flu and she would get dehydrated before we realized she had it and she would have to spend the night in the hospital for IV. The first time for inserting the IV she freaked. Then the next 2 times she got the stomach flu and had to go in for IV she just sat there and watched them insert the needle in her hand. I had to walk out because I could not stand to watch.


I am so glad you found someone to take you seriously, sure would mean a lot to me if i could do the same for billy. Gives me faith in him having blood taken if yours can do it at 3. He's five and i really think he won't take so kindly to it! especially if he has any memory at all of when he was younger and they thought he had meningitis! took six attempts to get a tap in his feet and eventually they put it in his hand, thats gotta be the hardest 10 mins i ever held my own baby, and i woulda done anything to do it for him.

Good luck and be sure to keep us posted.

I have missed seeing your posts for the past few days and was hoping all was well with you and yours.

Nothing like a good Dr's apt with the Ped especially when you've had a few bad ones.  Bastian's quite a brave little guy.  How he handled this says alot about how secure he is when your there with him and how much he trusts you. 

Glad it went so well, keep us up-to-date,


Wayney,  I'm so glad the appt. went well.  And what a brave little guy Bastian is! 

Anyway, your good news gives me hope that eventually I'll be able to find a doctor that will take me seriously with my daughter, before it's too late.  She's 14, and has been having problems for several years now, and I've been unable to find a doc that will listen or give me anything other than "growing pains" as a reason for her joint pains. 

Keep us posted as to how it goes. 


Wayney - You mentioned that you have never had much swelling.  I have some swelling but not very visible.  That is why it took so long to get diagnosed - among other reasons - as they kept looking for swelling and feeling for the warmth that RA is supposed to have in areas that are flairing up.  I am just wondering if anyone else does not have the visible swelling?  Sometimes I feel like I have to convince them of my pain because they cannot SEE IT.  It is frustrating.

PS  your son is so impressive.  You must be proud.


It's so funny that Roxy mentions this.  I was just thinking today. It's like the docs (esp. Ped) expect to walk in and see a swollen, red , hot, lopsided paitent.  It was great that your doc recognized the fact that just because there was no significant swelling did'nt mean there was'nt something going on.  With Oscar the Dr was more concerened if his legs were equal in length than what was hurting etc. 

Rheumy's can feel the puffiness even if it can't be seen.  Most GP's seem to think if you can't see it it's not there.

Anyway that's all it was just interesting to me as I had been thinking about this very thing a little earlier.

Take care,


Mine probably only got diagnosed at 18 months old because I was the lopsided I did not have swelling when I was younger either. I remember pain and some warmth at times. I am still lopsided

I remember when my knees would hurt my mommy would rub them until I fell asleep. She still does rub my aching parts if they hurt when I am visiting her.

even after 21 years..i still don't have much swelling.  one reason i refuse to take most nsaids.  that and they makem e sick.  as for why i've been missing the last few days..all is well except i think i am heading into a fibro flare.  part of it is not sleeping well because both my guys are not feeling well. and cuz gar is working odd shifts.  this week he has been on 2nd and third.  same with next week.  
i did hear from the doc's office and part of the labs were back.. his SED is fine and so is his WBC. but she said it'd take a few days for the rest of it.  she also got the info on the appt with the ortho.  so that is cool. 

well i am almost at my limit. 
hugs to all
My 5yo had beeen complaining of knee pain since Feb. We had x-rays taken and couldn't find anything. More x-rays in March still nothing.
April 7th he was up all night screaming in pain took him to the dr and they x-rayed his hips as well and tested him for ra. What he has is Legg-Perthes syndrome. Have your son checked for this. It isn't real common. here is a web page about it. We are just watching him as hi left hip is recovering nicely. We have more x-rays next week.

Hope they figure out what is wrong with him soon.


I'm glad to hear that Bastian's doctor took your concerns seriously. I hope they get to the cause of the pain soon. My love to you and yours...JuliahI never have swellling or redness.  Every time I would discuss my problems with the doctors they always had the same come back, "Well you look normal".  That would make me so mad.  While I am relieved that I don't suffer from the swelling and redness, it doesn't eleviate the pain that I have lived with since I was 4 or 5 years old.  Like some others here, I started out with knee pain as a child and the docs all told my Mom that I had growing pains.  If it weren't for my internest and the rheumy, I guess I would still be growing - hee, hee, hee.  Take Care Everyone!


So glad to hear the doctor took you seriously.  That's a giant step in the right direction.  Keep us posted, you and Bastian will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Well, we are now...still waiting on other test results. I really wanna call the doc but...I also don't want to bother them.  I did have to change the date of his ortho appt.  They got it scheduled for the 2nd.  I never dreamed they'd get him in that soon and since I don't drive, Gar has to take us.  Wouldn't be a problem except he needs to work on the car and ha to work a 3rd shift the night before.  So, now way he can do it all before Thurs. So, I rescheduled. A friend would have taken us but her daughter has a dentist appt that day as well. 
I did come to one decision.  The ped mentioned a ped. rheumy in Charleston, SC.  The ortho is in Florence but according to his website...he has a practice in Columbia. Florence is 60 miles, Charleston 90 some and Columbia is 100.  But, I think I am going to see if there is a ped rheumy in Columbia as it is going to be easier on us..because my mom lives in Columbia. 
hugs, wayney

This is so weird!! Pam; you mentioned that Oscars doctors mainly looked for whether his legs were equal in length; when I was 12 (I think) I had surgery to correct a growth problem with my legs...I had one leg longer than the other!!

I had lots of pain growing up and the doctors chalked it up to "growing pains" back then. Your comment...and my history makes me wonder if I haven't had this for a very long time myself. I've actually read an article recently about this very same thing...sure makes me wonder.

Intersting stuff we share here isn't it?

