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I have had 3 days of pain and fatigue, not able to sleep. I have to work the next 5 days and right nor wonder how i'm going to do it. By the way some times I do things like get my nails or toes done when I am feeling bad. It didn't work too well this time. Wish you all well. This too will change I am sure.Hang in there Sweetie. You can do it!

Yes, you'll keep doing it as long as needed. But it is terribly hard to work in pain and with no sleep. It finally did me in and I had to quit working.

Rest when you can. Say no as often as possible. Pace yourself.

Then come back here and vent and scream because we know what it's like. And, remember, it is permissible to take a sick day if needed. You have to give yourself permission for that once and awhile.

I know. I know. I needed to save up my sick days for appointments, kids, etc. But you are also allowed one. It's better to take one now than to get really sick.

Then, when you get your day off, rest. Put everything in your life on hold as much as possible until your body feels better. If you can do that, the pain will lessen and your sleep will improve.

If you still can't get it under control, then back to the doctor for some more solutions.

Good luck!

thank you!

Oh I feel for you. It is so hard to have to work in pain especially when you aren't getting any sleep. That's been my problem for the last few years. This year I'm going to try working half time. I really don't have a choice. I can't keep beating up my body. It got to the point where I was getting other infections on top of the RA.

Can you adjust your schedule so you do your most taxing work early in the day? Can you take a nap at lunch? Can you do some of the work at home in bed? Can you work flex hours? Try these accommodations first. If you continue to be in pain and are not sleeping, maybe consider part-time.
