Negative bone scan results | Arthritis Information


Hi again

Got my bone scan results over the phone and it showed no active arthritis or tensynovitis.

What should I ask the Rheumatologist when I see him in a few days? I have also been on high doses of cipro which can cause cartliage damage. Would that show up on a bone scan?

So confused!

Thanks, xox


Are you talking about a MRI or a bone density scan?

Also, the results should be discussed in person with the doctor. I've found that the answer the nurse gives is not nearly detailed enough.

It doesn't change how your hands look, does it? You're still in pain. The question is "what is the doctor going to do next?" Sometimes, doctors do one test and everything comes back normal and they kind of stop there. Well, don't let that happen. You don't have an answer and he is not off the hook until you do.

Some damage will not show up on scans. That's why orhopedic surgeons sometimes have to go in and do far more work than they originally thought before surgery. It also depends on the quality of the scan. CTs and MRIs are pretty sensitive.

However, just because you don't show damage, it doesn't mean you don't have disease activity. The lack of damage is a good thing. You don't want that. But you do need to get this under control.

Keep fighting for answers.

My bone scan came back normal, Tam. It doesn't mean you don't have RA - it means you've been diagnosed early. This is a very good thing. If they start fighting it aggressively now, you may never develop joint damage - or you can at least stave it off for a while. Don't let them just cut you loose. A lot of doctors won't treat you until there is visible damage. It's too little, too late.

Deanna, a bone scan is different from a bone density scan or an MRI - it works kind of like an open MRI, but it shows the hot spots for joint damge - little green dots make an image of your skeleton. It's creepy looking, but fascinating.
sigh, thank you...Oh believe me...If it was positive you would know. I have mulitiple and many more "Hot Spots". I would liked to have seen what it should have looked like over 2 yrs ago. The last Rd I was seeing never did a bone scan. I wish he would have..... I'm still confused. I've had the bone density which should some problems and plenty of MRIs/CTs. But my doctor has never done a bone scan. Is there a reason for that? I realize we know that I have RA, but should he have done one especially since I have all major joints involved and they are worried about long term effects of the prednisone?I think you should have, Deanna. My doctor says I should have one every year, because it shows most clearly the places where RA is active in your joints. I don't know - you have so many joints involved, and you may have a good idea where they all are, so your RD just doesn't think they're necessary. Also, I don't know how new the technology is - it might not have existed when you were diagnosed? (can't remember when that was). It's very good for showing the progression of the disease.

For the scan, they put you on a table and you lie still - hm - I think they inject a radioactive dye for this one. For your hands, they have you stretch them out on a drum. The dye shows the joints that are most affected.

I'm really surprised you haven't had this done, since you're one of the most active cases of RA on this board. 

But then -- every doctor has a different preferred treatment and a different preferred method of diagnosis. It boggles the mind.

Well, the Rheumatologist tells me to take 3 x fish oil a day and 1 x salazoryrn and have hot wax treatments then assess it after that.


Does this sound normal?

Also how possible coud I have such enlarged knuckles when nothing comes up on the bone scan? My whole hadns have changed without any damage?

Please help :(

Deanna and Tam,

   As I just found out. The bone scan is sooooo important. It shows active RA sites. Fiona and I had discussed this topic on the Roundtable forum. I had been with an RD for 2 yrs and he never did a bone scan. I had not been happy with that RD, so I went to see one RD that I know personally and had worked with over 15 yrs ago. Tam, your bone scan only shows active areas. Maybe at this time that area is not active. Deanna, I found out that I have soo many active sites, that I think I could have cried. How can an RD treat your disease if he does not know where the active sites are? It like treating you without seeing what is going on inside. just poking at a few joints does not show him the "whole" picture. I am really angry with the last RD that I had been seeing after seeing the joint scan. At least now we know what we are dealing with. And for me...Right now..The pics are not so pretty!

Hope all have a good day...huggs
