new kid on the block | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone! I became a member a couple of weeks ago but wasn't writing under the rheumatoid category(thank's Hopeful for directing). I was diagnosed with RA in Sept. 05. I woke up with my thumb and finger swollen, red, and VERY painful. The night before I hit a deer with my van and totalled it out.(the poor deer too). My question is this...has anyone's symptoms appearred after something traumatic happening to them as my did? Has anyone had any luck with taking minocycoline? I appreciate any info you can give me. I


I have heard that certain traumatic experiences can "wake up" RA in our bodies.

Hi Cindee

My current (and worst ever) flare was triggered by the terminal illness of my much-loved brother last year.  Stress is definitely a trigger for me, but unfortunately we can't always avoid it :)

Re. mincycline, it didn't hepl me, but does help some people - it's worth a shot!

Best regards


Wendy38954.6439930556Thanks for your comments. I beginning to wonder if this minocycline is working. It has been very humid and raining and my body is killing me! I used to love it when it stormed but now I dread it.

I'm new to the boards and was diagnosed with Ra 2 weeks ago. I have had problems with it for over a year and every doctor I saw thought it was mechanical.

One night about a year ago I was working out with the freeweights and I felt something in my left knee that made me take note and readjust my stance. I didn't think much about it until the next morning when it was swollen like a softball. Since then I have been tested for everything under the sun. During my 2nd visit to the doctor I was getting a 4th opinion by he refered me to a rhumy. I'm now 28 and have major pain in my right leg and ankles as many of you allready know to well.


Welcome Kenlee

Being misdiagnosed as having mechanical problems is sadly all too common! You have certainly come to the right place for support, as this is a great board.


Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. So far I've looked through the archives and found some great information.

