blessings of poor health.... | Arthritis Information


Ok, I'm feeling poorly today and I want to get into a positive mindset. How about we post the POSITIVE things we have gained from RA...or other disabling health conditions. Even if it's something meeting a group of caring women/men online

For me, RA/congestive heart failure has slowed me down. It has given me more time to spend just talking with my 6 year old son. I am not working much now, so I am able to volunteer in his classroom when I feel up to it. Another thing RA/chf has done, is helped me learn to let others take care of me. Also, I have grown closer to God throughout times of poor health.

I believe there are blessings everywhere. Can you find one today???? 

I guess there is some good in most situations, even if it means looking deeply for it. I have started to value life more since i was DX with RA (i was a bit of a wild child in my early 20s!!!), and have become a lot more considerate of others. I used to feel bitter when i first learned about having RA, but i've learned to live with it and feel good about myself now. Another plus. I found i'm a lot closer with my family as well.

So yeah, there is a little good in everything. Good point Juliah

And I've learned not to take everything so seriously. To find humor in situations that years ago almost defeated me.

And one very important thing I've learned....That just because I am in pain...doesn't mean I have to be a pain!!

Great Post Juliahh

LOL Lovie.....I loved when you said...

"just because I'm in pain, doesn't mean I have to BE a pain".

I'm going to have to remember that :) Love and hugs, juliah

Me I have learned to enjoy life more, the simple pleasures are thing I relish most.  Working in my garden, watching a movie with my daughter.  Going and having a A&W Rootbeer for a treat at night with hubby and Rachel.  Working on my crafts.  I have learned never take life for granted anymore.  meme

I've learned to not take things that happen too seriously. Most things that happen are not really a big deal, we only think they are at the time. I try to bring more laughter and fun into my life and share that with my grandsons.


I say that because when hubby & I were dating him mom found out she had Hodgkin Disease and had to go thru chemo. If it were not for me getting pregnant, she would not have even tried chemo, she would have let it defeat her, but she did not because she wanted to meet her first grandchild.

As for hubby, I think I am to help him to be more compassionate, and have better outlook on people who are not like him, "perfect". I guess I am to show him that he is not "perfect" and everyone needs to be loved and there is nothing wrong with showing your emotions. And that it is finally time to GROW-UP!!!

As for having Andrew I do not know what the purpose of having him was. Maybe it was to "save" our marriage. We had a rough beginning of the year last year, hubby decided he as going to start taking to a "thing" at work and I founf out and almost left him, but did not because I just knew I was pregnant and I did not want to put his mom thru all the drama. Instead I decided I would stick it out and make him "pay" for

So, I guess all the above is what I consider blessings. Just the hubby part is coming along fairly But he has changed, he now says he is sorry when he hurts my feelings.

Thanks Juliah for bringing out the positive things.  Sometimes it is so hard to see the blessings with everything that we all have going on.  I saw this quote a few years back and I love it. 

It said: "Pain is inevidible, but misery is an option".  So when people ask me how I deal with all the pain, I tell them that quote and say "That's how....I chose to not be miserable" 


I've learned to look for the humor in everyday things. Laughing and crying are two emotions not that far apart. Most of the negative things that have happened to me in life turn out to not be as negative as I thought at the time. Often you can laugh at them at a later date.

I also take the time everyday to look around me to find things that give me pleasure. A beautiful flower, sunrise or sunset, our resident Mr. & Mrs. Mallard and the pair of geese that come here every Spring. Theres beauty all around me if I take the time to look.

This post is a perfect example. I thought that I had lost the earlier post and so I wrote another one.


Peace & Love...Neasy

I think I needed to read this today.  I am having a hard time, my husband died a year ago and I am unable to work.  I am only 49 yrs. old.  It is easy to get discouraged, but I will try to cheer up and hopefully enjoy the good things in my life!I have learned that no one can define my quality of life, except me. Even on the most miserable days, when I can barely move, I have life. I can experience happiness, love, laughter, and gratitude for being alive. One often hears of people discussing someone confined to a wheelchair or a hospital bed and stating that since they have no quality of life, that it would be a blessing for them to pass quickly. I refuse to judge or think like that. I have been there, and as long as I can think, feel, and have memories to cherish, I have quality. I look at this as a journey, waiting for God's purpose to unfold.

Welcome Surgnurse & Nanj


I'm sorry for your lose. From your alias I figure you might have been an OR nurse. I worked in the OR for many years until I was finally forced to stop by my arthritis. Its really hard. I hope you can find some comfort here at the forum. We try to help each other deal with the ups and downs of living with a crummy disease. Again, welcome.
