Humira and zits???? | Arthritis Information


Anyone on Humira or other biologics noticing any increase in skin problems? My face has been broken out ever since I started the Humira, but not with the Enbrel. I just wondered if they were related. Maybe, since most acne is caused by bacteria right?

Lovely...I am fat, crippled, have grey hairs and fine wrinkles, and ZITS!!!!! I am a regular beauty queen!!!

Eventually I had a biopsy that said they were milia not acne. Still suffering but not so inflamed. My GP injected my worst pea sized bump with cortisone - I was able to 'extract' it a month later - white waxy stuff - but this time it did not re fill.

I think there is a relationship too. 

Thanks Marian...I was getting hungry untill I read that....HaHa!  Sounds pretty bad. Did the doc say it was related to the meds or no? I was thinking about giving Remicade a whirl...but that is a strike against it for sure...Oh wait, what am I thinking...walking or clear skin..hhhmmmmm! which one to choose?Wow, what a choice Crunchy! I think I would opt for the walking... I did notice that I tend to break out after my MTX. I am also in the same boat..I prefer to walk!  lol I am actually getting acne for the first time in ages.  I started Enbrel almost two months ago.  There could be a relationship now that you  mention it.  I am not sure if it is just pms, but they aren't regular acne, it is more like the bumps under the skin that are painful. I am getting pimples on my face and I am 59 years old. Ive had 3 shots of enbrel so far. They just showed up last week. I hope this dosent get worse.

My acne started when I went on the prednisone..  I am taking Humira and haven't noticed it to be any worse.

I think Prednisone could be our common thread.


NONE of my docs think it is drug related!

They think it is peri-menopause stuff. I have hot flashes, sweat profusely with any effort or anxiety, have night sweats, CRS (can't remember stuff)  and periods.

Most people on remicade have nice clear complexions, even if they are peri-menopausal and obese like me.

Pred which is supposed to make acne - helps my skin clear. Proactive just drys my skin till it peels. None of the acne stuff helps. antibiotic salves seem to make it worse. I think an anti-yeast cream helps some. Chem peel and professional dermabrasion helps some.  0 photo-facial really helped - whish I had the money for 3 more treatments! Thinking about laser treatment because it is cheaper than photo-facial. Still really expensive.

Best of all was tiny inj of cortisone. Wish I could do that for myself.

Crunchy, I'm past menopause so I'm ruling out any connection between those hormones and skin problems. I've had skin cancer on my face and shoulders and shingles that involved my head and face. I think there is a RA/ skin problem relationship.  Also, some of the meds llike prednisone I think can cause skin complications. I wear this heavy sunscreen to prevent more skin cancer and I notice if I try to use any moisurizer, I break out. I use a clean  fresh washcloth every day and that helps some. Humira I'm clueless about. Is it helping any? Do you still get migraines?I havent taken Prednisone for almost 5 months. Humira wasnt working. I just took my last shot of it Sat., I am switching to Rituxin in a month. The migrains were being caused by the Enbrel, as soon as I stopped it I was fine.