Suggestion for other forums | Arthritis Information


I have friends on several forums.  I think it would be really nice if admin. like Crunchy and Waddles and Mags share a link to each other's forum on their forum.  That way people will know they have several places to visit and we don't feel torn between sites - like a loyalty issue.  Know what I mean?  Does this sound crazy ?????????????? roxy38952.5503009259This is a good idea Roxy as I have been visiting the most recent one, but don't want to abandon this one, I know what you mean, great idea!  Janie. I just bookmark them and go back and forth, that works too.  meme

We're all in this together and the more support we have the better in my opinion.

All the sites are slightly different and have something new and different to offer. That's why I enjoy a varity. It's not that I dislike one over the other.....but it's obvious by the turn out at all the sites that many of us enjoy variety as well. If we didn't you wouldn't see so many of the same friends at so many different forums.

You certainly make an interesting point; but if I was in charge of a forum I'm not sure I'd want to put links to other sites out of fear that the other sites might get visited more than mine. It's only natural that those who have originated the forum would want to see it be successful. I'm sure that's the way I'd feel if I had put my hard work and heart into it.


Each of the forums has a unique character. They're moderated by caring people who have a lot of experience with RA and all of the things that go with it. Check them all out.

I wouldn't think of it as competitive - more like caring and not competitive.  I just think it would be great if we networked.  As you said Lovie, all the sites have different flavors and everyone will have favorites.  I think the admins at all sites are reasonable people and don't mind sharing.  We will see.  It is just an idea.  I always want to recommend all the sites but I am just not on the boards enough.

Is anyone willing to post links to the other forums?  I'd like to visit them!

These are my other two favorites Fignewton. Welcome to the community. We'd love for you to get involved.

I'm a moderator of a small site that several of this site's members went to when this site was down for a couple of days.

Stop by and say hey.


Hey Roxy-I think that is a bad idea...I want all of you to myself!!!

HAHa!!!! Just kidding! It is a great idea...I am going to add a section to RAsushi under the "library" category  that will contain links to other message boards.

I still move around to other boards because I enjoy the different's like going from party to party on a saturday night!The only problem with all the sites is - my fingers wear out!

Okay, you asked for it and you got it...'cause RA sushi is a site for all of us. On the RA sushi board, there is a category called A Trip To the Library where we post links, info about books and magazines, and now our brand new section called The Board Room. There you will find links to other Arthritis forums. I will add more or the members can add more too as we discover them. Take a look!

I love all the sites for different reasons. I'm just having trouble finding enough energy to visit all of them. Then, I feel guilty because I've made such wonderful friends. Also, if I don't visit, then I get lost where the current conversation is.

I do love the different characters of each one and the characters on them.

Hi to all,

Hey thanks for the links. That's cool. It seems like that would make our connections with one another tighter.

When i have time I'll chk them out.

Even though doc only thinks I may have seroneg. RA-I do have AS & Fibro. Symptoms,struggles,meds much the same i think we can cross the boundries of specific names & just know that we are all family-those w/rheumatic & autoimmune disease and for the less common ones there's not really great support out there.

I'm just rambling.........Thanks all for listening.

Peace, Tam


This is another one just opening up.
It has a moderator by the name of LuAnn and is very user friendly.
It's just amazing that so many people have these autoimmune diseases!

Go for it!!

That is such a cute name!!!! I will check it out and add it over at sushi...

P.S. I finally got it set up where only registered users may post on sushi...told ya'll I 'd figure it out!

I have been known to go to the other sites and just look around. I may not post but I do go and read.

Here is my site.

Thanks everyone!

Lesle makes very cool avatars! 4ratalk is very user friendly. Ah - they're all good.  Another two I visit are and




I was just reading Roxy's post about putting links to everyones support boards on our support boards.

Any one with a support website, is more than welcome to list their site on my board.  I feel that we all have something to offer.  Drop by and put your link on my board.

waddles is my favorite. Lot's of fun and support!!Hey Vicki, I just joined there....thanks for the tip. I am putting them on my list on sushi, and I am checking out the others that Jeanne mentioned too. I have been gone but I am so happy you all are sharing your wonderful
efforts and resources. Like Deanna said - sometimes I am just too tired to
visit them all. I post here most - even with its problems because it was my
first board and I feel at home here BUT when I go to the other boards - I
always have fun. Doing more than one board is great on those days that you
can't walk and just couch potato out - which sadly happen too often. It is so
comforting to hear the many stories and not feel alone when ra attacks.