Curious: What’s your ESR levels? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering what everyone out there's ESR/ Sed Rate levels are.  Trying to see if I am in the "norm"

And any other levels you might want to share....

MTX, Humira, Prednisone, Plaquenil, Coumadin, Folic Acid

My ESR and CRP are always normal, it's everything else that's screwed up!
Although today I had my first shot of Enbrel, so I really hope they come down I have high Anti-CCP and RF, but my CRP and SedRate are always normal.  I even had blood tests taken on a day I could not even walk on my left foot because it was so swollen - and the CRP and SedRate came back normal.  I don't think these tests are the best markers for inflammation for everyone.


My ESR, can go from 45 to 125...but never any lower than 45. And I am always slightly anemic.

waddles38954.5191435185My ESR is always in the 40s but the CRP is over 20 and rh over 300..that's on mtx and Enbrel. Start Remicade next monthLast time it was in the 40s and the doctor was not happy. It has been much higher.

Around 3. My CRP is slightly elevated though.


