RA and allergies | Arthritis Information


I have had allergies all my life and was wondering does it give you RA or RA like syptoms? Just wondering if anyone has experienced this cuz I seem to have this problem.

Thanks Hul


I have been looking over the internet about manufactured homes.

I bought mine 2 years ago when all the symptoms started attacking my hips, knees etc. little by little. 24hrs after i moved in, my nose stopped running for almost a year and i couldn't make tears either. I couldn't afford a doctor, so i never went back then.

Anyway, I am finding article after article on manufactured homes and how people with allergies should never buy one.

They use Formaldehyde etc. all over and they aren't made with proper air flow so you just get sick for years.

I can't find anything on how to treat my home to get rid of what is making me so sick.

I am getting pimples and rashes from wearing my masks every day, but if i take them off, within a couple hours I am very very sick and hurting everywhere.

This is just horrible.

Having problems with hay fever etc. should only cause inflammation of the sinuses and/or rashes and hives which is inflammation of the skin.

But, other things like allergies to toxic fumes or select foods can cause your body to go into allergy type shock and inflammation your joints.

There are also inflammation disorders that are connected to it such as

Parkinsons http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=50607

Behcet's (click on diagnosis and then sulfer topic) talks about toxic foods causing allergic type reactions in which the .org site believes to be true, but they need a science company to do the actual testing, but it gives info so those with the disease can change their diet and surroundings with sulfer.  It is in food, gas fumes etc.  http://behcets.org/

RA down toward the bottom talks about eliminating allergy foods that cause arthritis problems.  Basicly, when you digest foods that you are allergic too, it causes your stomach to react as if it were your skin getting swiped by something you are allergic too on the outside of your body.  your skin would them inflamed and have problems, instead it will do it on the inside of your body causing the same type of effect.  http://www.drfuhrman.com/disease/Other.aspx

I am sure there are more but can't find the right links right now.

All i can suggest is taking every symptom you have from odd throat problems to weird rashes you had since a kid and see your doctor with the list.  Include foods you feel worse eating, pills you feel worse after eating, bowel movements that are odd, all your swelling spots, any headaches or sinus problems, any soars inside your mouth, on your private areas on your arms or legs, any odd rashes and even vision problems or problems with thought.

These are all things that could be part of something much larger than RA.  Never leave out anything you can think of or you might be misdiagnosed and find a much shorter life ahead.


Just saw the 2nd post.  Have you seen a doctor yet?  Sounds like you have a chemical sensitivity and your mask is probably whats causing the rashes from sweating inside.

I saw this article http://www.hadd.com/manufacturedhome.php and it talks about someone who had problems with toxic levels in their home.  If you suffer from an inflammatory disease, it is possible that you are far worse with this happening.

I suggest you get help and your home tested right away.

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