Tired of feeling ill | Arthritis Information


I get so tired of feeling sick from MTX; I don’t know what’s worse the RA or the drugs .all I want to do is sleep or sit and watch tv in a stupor . I have no energy left my brain feels empty and my soul is tired ,just typing this up make my feel worn out . I’m at the point of not caring any more and if I talk with a doctor they just give me more drugs that make feel up then down and up and down and well I think the get the point . I’m sick of it all and I don’t know what to do .  

Hi Dave. 

Have you talked to your doc about trying something else besides mtx?  I don't know how severe your RA is or how much mtx you are taking.  But if it's not really bad, maybe you can try sulfphasalizine along with Plaquenil or something.  Being sick all the time from meds and hurting from the RA, can send you into major depression which from reading your note, you kinda seem in that state.  Talk to your doc about an anti-depressant also.  I would guess a significant number of us on this board are taking them because between the RA and the meds, it gets us depressed a lot of the time.  As soon as I went on them, I felt better in one day!  I take Lexapro.

Anyway, good luck to you.  You just have to work with your doc to get you on the meds that are right for you.  A lot of trial and error sometimes, but you'll get there!



I know how you feel.  It is a real pain to have to endure what we do.  I was on MTX pills and they did a number on my stomach.  I was sick for about 4 days after taking them.  I was tired, Nauseated, dry and just plan fed up.  Now, I on injections and it is a bit better.  I am only sick for about 2 days and the nausea meds help a lot.  I still sleep a lot afterwards.  But I take my treatment on Friday's at night time so I can sleep off most of the bad stuff.

Also, At the hospital my son goes to for treatment, the nurse in the oncology/hemotology unit told me to eat meals on my treatment day that contain starches...pastas are good and potatoes and wheat bread for meals and drink PLENTY of fluids...especially water the day before and the day of treatment.  Eat a meal with pastas or even a lite steak and potatoe about 3-4 hours before your MTX treatment.

Then...you take the nausea meds at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours before the MTX and you don't get as sick.  So far, it has worked wonders.

I still get kind of nauseated...but the tiredness is the worse part for me now.

Maybe ask your about injectable MTX.  It is much kinder I have found.

Hope you feel better soon Dave,


Same here, MTX is a hard pill to swallow, REALLY!  It made me horrible ill and I lost a tremendous amount of weight with it cause I was so ill. If possible you might want to check into the injectable, I know that is the route I would take if I had to go back on it.

Good luck, I do sympathize with you, it is yucky and alters your life.


Hi Dave,

You are in a horrible place that I am sure alot of the people here have been to. I know I have. At times it has been the meds & others it's been the pain or the fatigue or a combo. Boy, what a combo.

You may be having a hard time right now but just remember, 'This too shall pass.' - be it joy or the depths of hell.

I could not take MTX. I could hardly function & really just wanted to die. They told me that the psych. effects I was having were not a side effect from the drug but I did not believe them-I could feel how crazy it made me feel. It really messed with my head! Like others have suggested, perhaps you can try something else. Ask your doctor.

Hang in there. Brighter days are around the corner.

Peace, Tam Dave, what all meds are you on? You can get on so many, they're doing more harm than good. I take MTX - pills - and it has almost no side effect on me at all. I take MTX, Arava, Celebrex and prednisone - but I don't take sleeping pills or pain pills - it's possible you're having a bad reaction or bad interaction. Time to talk to your doc, and, instead of just adding more and more meds, make some adjustments. Good luck!

I think I now know what the problem is, it’s vicodin. I’ve been on it for so long now that I’m hocked on them , I’ve read a lot about it and I know that I take them more for the high then for the pain and I’ve got to leave them alone . This is going to be a real bummer since I’m getting my left knee replaced in a week. Oh boy I’m lost and I don’t know what to do anymore  


When I read your first post, I thought that there was more to the story than MTX, though I know that can be problematic for some it just didn't sound like that was the deal to me.

Sounds like you are getting more honest here about your problem with Vicodin.  I would encourage you to discuss this with your physician.  It sounds like you are in trouble with it and you need some professional assistance if that is the case.

You said it all in the last sentence (I am lost and don't know what to do any more.)  Right.  You need help. 

I am a recovering person and I know what I am talking about.  If I can help feel free to pm me.  Addiction is not a moral issue.  It is not about being a bad or weak person, it is a disease.  You are sick and you need help getting well, not bad needing help getting good.

Take care and keep us posted.


Dave, it might not just be the MTX that's making you so tired and so sick. Sometimes that is the RA not being under control. Or, it can be some other reason that they have not investigated. Everyone here pretty said get to the doctor and figure it out.

Regarding the Vicondin, I take this and it does not usually make me tired. It used to make me a little loopy but I'm in enough pain when I take it now that it doesn't have that effect. There are a lot of differen pain meds that they can try. You just need to be honest about your concerns. If you are really worried that you are getting out of control here, you can ask to see a pain specialist. They work with you to monitor how much medication you take, take blood and urine tests, and will cut you off if you take more than is prescribed withing a certain period.

But an open discussion with your Rheumy and also with your surgeon is very important. They can help you manage this and still get pain relief.

Pain is depressing and it is exhausting. Being sick all the time wears one down. You need to let your doctor that you are feeling this bad. You may be suffering from depression, but it sound to be more like you are just sick and need more relief from your symptoms.

Dave,  I would recommend changing pain meds.  I am lucky I guess as I don't like the high but I cannot imagine having this disease without pain meds.  You have to be honest with your doctor.  I find that my anti depressant helps me deal with the pain and the grief.  You really should consider it.  There are pain meds that don't get you as high.  Addiction is not one more thing you want to add to your ra.  AT least I don't.  For me, mtx made me too sick.  I could not deal with it.  Maybe you need a change.  Don't give up Dave.  It takes a lot of med changes to get where you can cope with this dreadful disease.  You will have some better days, you need med changes and a good doctor - which I hope you have. 



Dave, I have had that sort of situation more than 15years ago. It is because the situation is out of proportion. Drugs are not effective to control and manage the disease. The disease is progressing and at upper hand. The use of drug has been exhausted and next the knife.

I am sorry that your left knee has to go under the knife. You make a decision to your knowledge  that is a logical medical treatment and no other choice. That is because you have no alternate solution.

Unless there is an effective solution to stop pain, control and manage the disease without using drugs, then there is no fear and the direction is clear. I have done it with herbs and natural foods. It takes many factors to fight the disease.

Good luck to you. 


Kokako - I don't know if you are trying to sell a product - if so your testimony is suspicious but if you are just taking herbs and do not profit from them - I would be curious to know what they are.

roxy - I have repeatedly posted the herb. You have to find from the post. You have to learn from the beginning to benefit and treasure the reality. I am giving you a lead, and you should do your homework.

How to start? Learn the herb and from books on natural foods as remedies. We need only relevant herbs and natural foods for specific purpose.

We tend to disregard healing of herbs that is a remarkable testament to the cultural and intellectual evolution of human civilization. Orthodox medicine made a dramatic impact in the 1940s and 1950s, but they have not provided cure for chronic diseases like heart disease, cancers, arthritis, diabetes etc..


roxy - I do not have to testify but to share my over 30 years of experience with arthritis. You elect to learn or skip it. As the saying goes "a bagger cannot be a chooser". You would like to know the herbs but I have the choice not to let you know.

Do you insist and demand Kentucky Fried Chicken's secret recipe for the fingers licking good!

Be a learner not a judge!! The suffering and road you are taking is a history to me.

It is a reality but you think is impossible then let it be!!

Others who work to improve their energy level can fight the disease more effectively.

Like NIKE's slogan "JUST DO IT".

kokako8838971.2628240741Yes I would like to know the recipe for the fingers licking good!

I’ve been off the pain pills for two weeks now and I feel so much better . I can think and I don’t feel down and out (mostly)
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