afraid of prednisone | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

I really appreciate these posts. It's good to know I'm not alone. I have a question. I've been on plaquenil and mtx for about 3 months now. My RA has always been worse in my right hand but now the left is beginning to look and feel as bad as the right Dr. wants me to start prednisone to get the pain and swelling down. I am so afraid of the side effects of this drug. I haven't gotten my prescript filled yet. Is it something I can take for just a few days? I've been having a pity party

I'm shamefully admitting my shallowness. I had to quit work, can't do my beloved needlework or quilting,or gardening but I'd rather have pain than have a fat face. I'm so sorry for how bad that sounds. My husband is out of town, my kids are far away and I want to cry. I hope I haven't offended anyone. Thanks for any advice.


Hi Miles,

   I can't help you as I have never taken pred only plaquenil. I'm sure you will get some good advice. Hang in there.

It is as bad as you has been a lifesaver for me. A small dose can take the swelling down and you will start to feel much better.  Also, they will after some time begin to taper you down and off of it.

Granted, I do have a small hip fracture from an old dance injury that my doctors watch very closely.  I have gained some weight...but I lost so much when I was sick...that gaining a few pounds was a must.

I do have a bit of a moon face but my hubby thinks it's cute on me and if  he loves it...I do!  AND...I dont' mind finally having some JUNK IN THE TRUCK TO BOOT!!!!!

About your hair...are you on MTX? 


honey if you need to cry, cry...BUT...remember we are here and you are not alone in this!


You gals are all so sweet. You've already made me feel better!

I'm going to pick up the prescription and then I'll know how many mgs it is. I wasn't paying attention when I dropped it off.

Actually, as I've gotten older(51) my cheeks have started to sink in a bit

Yes, I am on methotrexate. At first it was 10mgs but I was really sick from it so my Dr. lowered it to 7.5 mgs once a week and 300 mgs of plaqueinl.

Thanks for the advice, it really helped.


Miles, I've been on prednisone pretty much since last October - I'd like to get off of it for a lot of reasons, but it really should take some of that pain & swelling right away. Nothing works quite like prednisone for RA. They'll try the smallest dose possible - maybe 10 mg. maybe 20. You should start to feel better right away - like the next day! Maybe even in a few hours. A short course of prednisone won't give you a moon face, won't pack on many pounds, and won't do other damage. The trick is to get on it, feel better, and get off it as soon as possible.

Good luck!!

Hey Miles2go,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it. Pred. helped me out alot too at first. They probably want to try & nip it in the bud before it really settles in.

I did not have any bad side effects. No puffiness, no weight gain-although I am a skinny minnie & could've used the weight. You just never know until you try it, but you do have to taper off as coming off pred. actually can have the worst side effects. Not something you ever just stop taking.

Medication is scary to me too. I used to be the kind of person who would rather weather the headache or flu rather than take anything-NOT ANYMORE!

Go ahead & cry-don't keep that in-that will just make you sicker.

Peace, Tam


I think my doctor said it well when he first put me on pred.  He said that he had to get the inflammation down as quick as possible to limit the amount of long-term damage to the joints.  You can taper down the dose later.  Remember, its not just how you feel now, but how you will feel in 5 years that is important.  Best wishes.

I've been on 20 mg. of pred a day for almost three months now, and no "moon face" it does not happen to everyone. I was afraid to start MTX so I went with pred, and that will be changing on Monday. Pred for a short term really does help to keep the pain away, I wish you the best, Rain I to was afraid of prednisone. I cried in the doctors office when he gave me a prescription and I didnt fill it.
Then a week later I decided I couldnt live with the pain and all the things I couldnt do anymore and told him to give me the pred. I have been on 20mg for 6 weeks and he is already tapering me down to 15mg. Monday I am suppose to go down to 10mg. I may have gained 1 or 2 lbs. But I started walking a mile every evening ( because now I can) and I think that helped with the weight gain. No moon face either.
At the beginning of this journey I was really depressed. I think the pred may have helped with that, Im not sure.

I did have trouble sleeping and now I take 25mg of benedryl before going to bed. It really does help.
Good luck Miles2go